Monday, February 10, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
I will start on the process of Kalpataru and Completion.
Please listen!  How many thousands of books ever you may read about Yoga, it doesn’t make you a Yogi.  Just by reading the Menu Card, no one’s hunger got settled.  Just by reading the Menu Card, you cannot become complete.  You have to eat to complete your hunger.  Same way, just by reading yogic books, no one has become a Yogi.  It is practice which makes a person a Yogi.  Please listen!  It is practice which makes a person a Yogi.  Same way with Pranayama and Kriyas.  If you read two-hundred-and-fifty books on Pranayama and Kriya, that doesn’t make you a great Master of Pranayama, that doesn’t make you a great Yogi.  No!  Only when you do it, you will even start the life of a Yogi.  Please understand, same way, reading all the Upanishads doesn’t make you a Jnani.  You developing liberated thinking makes you a Jnani. 
Please understand, I am coining a new word called “liberated thinking”.  Actually, in liberation, you don’t think!  That thinking-less thinking, that thoughtless thought, mindless mind is what I call liberated thinking.  You cannot say I have a mind.  What I have is something completely different.  Just because you have a hut, you cannot say your hut and a Seven Star Hotel is one and the same.  Naturally, both of them are different!  May be both of them serve a purpose like sheltering; but both of them are completely different.  Same way, you and me, both of us have some mechanism which we are using to reach out to people and do what we want; but both cannot be equal.  The mind I have can never be said to be mind!  I tell you, when you develop liberated thinking, you will have a thinking which cannot be said as “thinking”; the Cosmos thinks through you!  The Cosmos thinks through you! 
Liberated thinking never brings tiredness and boredom.  Understand, all liberal thinking is just hypocrisy.  What is liberal thinking?  If you just follow the thinkers who are well-known as liberal thinkers, you become a liberal thinker.  What way is it liberal thinking?  Liberalism is one more jail!  May be, coated with gold paint!  So, understand, this liberal thinking is foolishness where you are made to believe your jail is your home.  You are free inside your jail! 
This “freedom of speech” is the most funny thing I have ever heard.  The media people claim freedom of speech is the basic need of life.  I just wanted to ask them one question:  Freedom of speech, freedom of expression means what?  A man can say what he wants; he can express what he wants.  But sometimes you see, whether it is in the political field or religious field or in any field, one or two words of that leader, a politician or a religious leader, if they have hatred towards that leader and they are waiting to somehow attack him, one or two words they twist it and pounce on him!  They just hound him, jump on him and constantly harass!  Then where is freedom of speech?  Constantly harass him!  See, in the name of freedom of speech, media is the largest organization which abuses others’ freedom of speech!  In the name of freedom of speech, this freedom of speech is used only as a methodology to abuse whom they don’t want, if they hate somebody!  That is why I say....... (break in transmission at this point)
This Foreign Direct Invesment (FDI) has made Indians completely as slaves.  Now even for your food or agriculture, you are dependent on them, you are dependent on the foreign countries!  I don’t know why!  Slowly, slowly, slowly, for your shelter you have become dependent on them, for your clothes you have become dependent on them!  Now, for your food, you are getting dependent on them!  By allowing the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the Indian media, we are becoming dependent on them even for our thinking!  How to think?  Immediately we refer only to them!  Please understand, allowing the Foreign Direct Investment in the media is equivalent to becoming slaves of their thought-trend.  I know I am a small voice.  Whether I will be heard or not I don’t know, but I can’t be silenced!  I can’t be silenced!
Please understand, O Bharat, you need to wake up to protect your liberated thinking intelligence, understand?  The most endangered species on Planet Earth is the species which are established in liberated thinking.  I tell you, the most endangered species on Planet Earth is neither the Lion nor the Tiger, but those who are established in the liberated thinking, because they are hounded, they are haunted by the so-called liberal thinking people!  Anyhow, please understand, liberated thinking is one of the greatest gifts given to humanity, one of the best things that happened to humanity.  Develop that before the science is destroyed from the Planet Earth. 
Liberated Thinking!  I wanted all of you to know this word is going to become really popular, this word “liberated thinking”.  Actually, all I am trying to do through the Inner Awakening is just teach you the science of liberated thinking, thinking which constantly keeps you in the space of liberation and drives you towards liberation.  Liberated thinking also happens to you only when you adopt these principles in your lifestyle.  How many thousands of hours ever you may hear about Completion, you will never become complete unless you start adopting this liberated thinking as your lifestyle, unless you adopt the Science of Completion as your thinking style.  Means, when you feel incomplete, understand you have to be complete.  When you think you cannot be complete, understand it is Self-Doubt, Self-Denial and complete it.  Constantly develop liberated thinking. 
I tell you, one of the biggest achievements – my achievement – will be, my Gurukul kids will have liberated thinking!  I am bringing them up with this liberated thinking.  I am constantly bringing them up with this liberated thinking.  Liberated thinking is the brand of our Gurukul.  You will see how my kids will think!  Understand, Vivekananda says, ‘Eka brahmachari shatha markataha’!  One brahmachari is equal to hundred monkeys!  So much energy he will have!  I have thousands of brahmacharis.  Understand the energy they are going to cause, radiate, through their liberated thinking! 
Understand, our whole Sangha stands for liberated thinking.  I stand for liberated thinking.  Liberated thinking means, always feeling powerful, blissful, always in the eternal bliss, always in the joy of liberation, never feeling suffocated, bound or powerless!  In any moment, at any given moment, you become powerful!  At any given moment, you remain as powerful!  Understand, the Science of Liberated Thinking happens in you when you practice this great process, techniques, only when you start thinking with these great principles, only when you start thinking from the space of Completion, entertaining yourself from the space of Completion.  Listen, I uttered a word:  “entertaining yourself”.  You entertain yourself with a cup of poison many times.  You think, ‘I am free.  Why not just have a cup of coffee?’  Like that, ‘Why not have a cup of negativity?’, ‘Why not have a cup of poison?’  After drinking that you will feel, ‘Oh, God, I am feeling stomach-ache, I am feeling like vomiting, I am feeling giddy.’  Why did you drink?  ‘Now I am trying to throw it out.  I don’t know what to do.’  Don’t entertain yourself with the suffocated, bound thinking, the so-called liberal thinking.  Entertain yourself with liberated thinking. 
Understand, practice makes you a Yogi.  Never a person who just reads about Yoga becomes a Yogi.  Practice makes you a Yogi.  Same way, Pranayama.  Never a person who reads about Pranayama in tons and tons of books, never he becomes master of Prana.  A person who does Pranayama, he becomes master of Prana.  Same way, just hearing for thousands of hours about Completion in the morning satsangh does not make you a Jeevan Muktha, a liberated being.  When you start thinking in this language, in this Sampradaya, in this tradition, with this science, you achieve liberated thinking. 
Liberated thinking is one of the most powerful gifts given to the world by the Sanatana Hindu Dharma.  Sanatana Hindu Dharma’s greatest contribution is liberated thinking, because Sanatana Hindu Dharma introduces the right you to you.  See, from the first step of how you are introduced to you, from that the whole Sanatana Dharma is built for liberated thinking.  See, for example, if a State or country should become well-known for clothes, they should have their infrastructure established.  From the cotton, making thread, then the fabric, then dyeing, all the companies, industries, machinery, infrastructure, everything has to be established; then the varieties.  Only then the State or country will be well-known for clothes and clothes will be their contribution.  In India, all our infrastructure was built to teach a man about liberated thinking.  Some of the best books were written, the greatest minds were produced, amazing insights have been revealed and recorded, the greatest monuments and buildings were erected to celebrate this science.  Millions dedicated their life to keep this science alive and teach it to the world.  The whole infrastructure of India, Bharat, is built to teach the world liberated thinking. 
And, I tell you, India can be a leader, successful leader, only in the field of teaching liberated thinking to the world.  Only by being the Jagat Guru, we can be successful.  Arrey, Jagat Guru is our “prarabdha”!  Why are you trying to become the best Wall Street?  You can never become!  Why are you trying to become the best Hollywood, Bollywood, Tollywood, Kollywood, Sandalwood?  You will never become!  Become the best Jagat Gurus!  Become the great philosophers!  Because our infrastructure was built for that!  That is the greatest contribution we will do.  That is the only way we will become successful leaders.  In any other field, whether it is cricket or hockey or economy or army or military, in any other field we may compete, win or lose; that is immaterial.  See, whether you win or lose, it is immaterial.  The moment you compete, you degraded yourself.  Just competition degrades you.  Competition is a disgrace to you.  You have to be excelling in some field where nobody even dares to compete with you, or where you don’t need to compete with anybody.  I will tell you, India, Bharat, we are a monopoly in teaching the Science of Liberated Thinking, because the first statement introducing you to you, the Upanishad says, “Shrunvantu Vishwe Amrutasya Putraha”!  “O, Sons of Immortality”!  The first step: introducing you to you.  The last step: Mahavakya Upadesha.  Like a graduation certification!  Our system is developed to teach liberated thinking. 
I tell you, we have to bring the revolution of liberated thinking on Planet Earth.  O, Nithyananda Sangha, you are here to bring the revolution of liberated thinking on Planet Earth!  Every Sannyasi, every Brahmachari, every Swami, every Thanedar, Kothari, Mahant, Shrimahant, every one of you should take the responsibility.  Every one of you should feel responsible for bringing liberated thinking in yourself and in others.  Sometimes people think, ‘If I become an ashramite, I am liberated!  That’s all!  That is all is my goal!’  Sometimes people think, ‘If I leave the ashram, I think,  that will be the liberation for me.  I don’t know what I am going to do in the future, but I don’t want to be here.’  Whether you think coming inside the ashram is liberation, or going away from the ashram is liberation, both are wrong!  Thinking in a liberated way, developing liberated thinking is the only right thing to be done.  For the sake of developing liberated thinking if you have come to the ashram, you have come with the right context.  For the sake of liberated thinking you cannot leave the ashram, I tell you; because nobody is going to teach you to think in a liberated way constantly outside the ashram.  You won’t be able to develop it on your own.  If you cannot develop it inside the ashram, how are you going to develop it outside?
I tell you, developing liberated thinking is Jeevan Mukthi!  Kalpataru is nothing but helping you to start the liberated thinking.....helping you to start liberated thinking.
So, now, I will enter into the science of helping you to think in a liberated way, the Kalpataru Darshan.
Taramangalam Dhyanapeetam, please get ready for Kalpataru Darshan.  People who have gathered in Taramangalam Dhyanapeetam for Kalpataru Darshan, I welcome all of you.  We will enter into the Kalpataru meditation.  Please take a paper and pen and get ready for Kalpataru. 
I also wanted to give the Kalpataru instructions in Hindi so that it is on record.  I will explain the Kalpataru process in detail first.
Pick one thought which you want to cause as reality.  Only ONE thought, not more!  Please listen, your inner-space can hold only one thought at a time.  So whatever one thought you want to create as reality, and all the incompletions you think you have in making that thought into reality, list them, write all of them down.  “Incompletions” means, ‘Will I be able to become healthy?  Will I be able to become wealthy?’  These are all Self-Doubts, Denial, Hatred.  Write all that down.  Write down all the incompletions.  In this way, list both your desire and incompletions.   
When the list is ready, close your eyes, create a space to make your desire into reality.  For example, if you want to create one crore dollars, visualize, cognize that you already have one crore dollars, visualize that it has already become a reality now. 
All the Kalpataru participants all over the world, please pick up a paper and pen.  Start penning down one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have around that thought.
People who have gathered in Taramangalam Dhyanapeetam, please get ready for Kalpataru meditation.  Write down the desire you want to make as reality, and all the incompletions about that desire.
(After a few minutes...........)
Participants in Taramangalam Dhyanapeetam, we can now enter into the process.  Close your eyes.  Meditate on the one thought that you want to make as reality.  Throw away all the incompletions around that thought and complete with them.  Deeply meditate on the one thought that you want to make as reality!  Namah Shivaya!
Relax.  You can open your eyes.
All the devotees who have come to Taramangalam Dyanapeetam for the Kalpataru Meditation, I bless you all!  Let the space you created become reality!
All the Centres, now I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Respnsibility and Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANG ___________________


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