Sunday, February 2, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us all over the world at this time through Nithyananda TV, Lotus TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in thirty-four cities in many countries around the world.

Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, San Jose-Madurai, Secunderabad, Houston-Kalahasti, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bangalore, Winnipeg-Canada, St. Louis-Tirumala, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Scottsdale-Arizona, Seattle-Chidambaram, Dallas-Dwaraka, San Jose-Madurai, Jorpati-Nepal, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Toronto Downtown, Philip Island-Australia, Istanbul-Turkey, Oman-Sivagangai, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Ohio-Prayag.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

Today, I will expand on Causing Enlightenment, the Mahabharata characters, and Kalpataru, because all these are very closely connected.

Please understand, first thing, Karna is the embodiment of Charity.  I can say, he had all the best qualities, in a way a little more than Arjuna, a little more than Arjuna.  He had all the best qualities, a little more than Arjuna.  Just only one mistake – association with self-denial, Duryodhana; that’s all. 

Bhishma, embodiment of Dharma, Righteousness.  I can say, Righteousness is one aspect of Dharma.  Giving, giving, is another one aspect of Dharma.  That is why, in Sanskrit, for Giving, for Righteousness, for all these great qualities, the same word – “Dharma” – is used.

And Acharya Dhrona, amazing knowledge and ability to teach!  But all this will be of no use if it joins with self-denial, Duryodhana.

Dhritarashtra is the embodiment of Self-Doubt.  Shakuni, embodiment of Self-Hatred.  Duryodhana, embodiment of Self-Denial.

If Bhishma, Dhrona, Karna, all of them have moved out of Duryodhana, what amazing heroes they are!  And even Pancha Pandavas are nothing in front of these characters.  So, it is very important for you to know: Not only who you are, but also with whom you associate – your sangha – also needs to be right.  Whether you join satsangha or dussangha, your sangha also decides your fate.  You may say, ‘No, no, no, no, wherever I am I will protect myself.’  No, you are not that powerful, you are not that intelligent, you are not that capable.  Even Bhishma thought he will protect himself and protect Hastinapura, he will save Hastinapura kingdom, he will save Duryodhana.  Dhrona never thought he will not be able to save Duryodhana.  Dhrona really would have thought he will save Hastinapura. 

Bhishma would never have imagined in his life he has to throw (shoot) arrows at Krishna whom he worshipped every day, his own ishta devatha, he has to throw arrows at him! 

The tradition says, Krishna has to come to Chennai, Triplicane, Thiruvallikeni, and rest to heal the wounds created by the Bhishma Bana, the wounds created in his body by the arrows of Bhishma.  Nobody’s arrows were able to touch Krishna, but Bhishma’s arrows created wounds on Krishna’s body.  Still in Parthasarathi Temple in Triplicane (Triplicane or Thiruvallkeni in the City of Chennai in Tamil Nadu, South India), the deity carries the wounds on the face; and, even now, in the season after that Kurukshetra War, for forty days, he (the deity) is given an ayurvedic herbal bath, ayurvedic herbs are applied on his body, and nobody is allowed to have darshan; he is left to rest and recuperate. 

Bhishma would never have imagined he will be forced to throw arrows at his own ishta devatha!

Understand, never ever associate yourself with Duryodhanas, the dussangha.  Even the characters like Bhishma, embodiment of Righteousness, lot of Integrity and Authenticity, lot of Integrity.  Sure, the power of his Integrity would have saved him.  Even Arjuna is not able to change that.  But his whole Integrity is made useless.  He was not dead, he was not killed, but he was made useless, just lying on the arrow-bed in the Kurukshetra.  So, understand, Bhishma, embodiment of Integrity, Karna, embodiment of Charity.

One of our sannyasinis was coming in the flight.  The air-hostess, a male, he saw her watch and said that the watch is very pretty, the watch she was wearing with Rudraksha.  Immediately, she gave it away to him!  See, as a sannyasi, the moment somebody asks, you have to give it.  The air-hostess could not understand.  He was shocked!  I was so happy when I saw that scene.  Even Sannyas has to be practiced continuously.  I am very clear, I don’t have anything, but whatever is there belongs to the Sangha.  If anything is mine and anybody asks, it is theirs! 

Karna is Charity.  The amazing quality of Charity he had!  Every one of us should meditate on Karna to imbibe that quality of Charity.  Unimaginable quality of Charity!  What a level of Charity in the warfield he displayed!  About to die, even at that moment, when Krishna comes and asks him for all the punyas (merits) he has done, Karna does not care, does not bother!  He knows if he gives away all his punyas, immediately he will be dead!  But he gives away!  That is why, Vyasa (the author of the Mahabharata), when he writes, for nobody else he uses the word “moksha”.  When Dhrona was killed, he (Vyasa) says, “Dhrona Vadha” (“slaying of Dhrona”).  For everyone, he uses only the word “Vadha”, “Vadha”, “Vadha” (“killing” or “slaying”).  But, for Karna, Vyasa uses the word “Karna Moksha” (“liberation of Karna”).  Karna was not killed, he was liberated!  Because, his good actions were the only thing which were stopping him from getting enlightened!  He had all the best qualities.  And whatever small, bad actions in Karna were there, he had suffered enough for it.  Only the good actions were stopping him from getting enlightened.  Krishna takes the fruits of all the good actions and liberates him.  Such a character!  See, just through charity he became enlightened!  Just through charity he had liberation!  But, even he is useless when he was living because of his association with Self-Denial.  Even Karna was useless when he was living in the body because of his association with Self-Denial.  Understand, whatever good qualities you may have, don’t allow the sangha, dussangha, association of Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred and Self-Denial.....Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial.

Yudhishtira is embodiment of Integrity.  Bhima is embodiment of Authenticity.  Arjuna is embodiment of Responsibility. 

Sahadeva is embodiment of Enriching.  Even when the enemy, opposite guy, Duryodhana, comes to Sahadeva, he bless him, saying, ‘You start the war on this day; you will be successful’!  That kind of Enriching!  Enriching even the enemy!

Nakula is embodiment of Causing.  He went on being a catalyst for everyone to realize their reality.  He was such an amazing support for Yudhishtira, Arjuna, Bhima and for Sahadeva, everyone.  He was behind the scene always, being a support. 

All these five (Yudhishtira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva – the Pandavas) won the game of life only when they listened to the Guru, Krishna.  It is their satsangha.  Otherwise, I tell you, so many times the Pandavas would have been killed, so many times they would have been dead!  It is their association with the Guru, the satsangha, that saved them!  I tell you, whoever you may become, never miss the association of Guru.  Even if you become the Badshah (emperor) of Delhi, be at the feet of the Guru.  Whatever you become!  In Tamil there is a proverb: “Delhikku Badshah aanaalum, appanukku pillai aaga iru”!  (“Even if you become the Badshah of Delhi, be a son to your father”).  Even if you become the Badshah of Delhi, be at the feet of the Guru.  Whatever you become!  In Tamil there is a proverb: “Delhikku Badshah aanaalum, appanukku pillai aaga iru”!  Means, even if you are the emperor of Delhi, be the son of your father.  Because, the satsangha protects you!  I tell you, at least so many times the Pandavas would have been killed if not for Krishna. 

Even with the whole kingdom and the infrastructure, Duryodhana was not able to live!  Bhishma, Dhrona, Karna, were not able to live because of their wrong association.  But, inspite of being in the forest without anything, the Pandavas survived everything and won the game of life, got everything back just because of one association – Krishna.  I tell you, the whole Mahabharata teaches the lesson of satsangha, right association.  Satsangha behaves as a Kalpataru; whatever you want, you get it!  Dussangha takes away everything you have.  Wrong association takes away whatever you have in life.  Right association gives you whatever you want in life.  That is the lesson you have to learn from the Mahabharata.  See both sides.  Just with the right association, the Pandavas have got everything they want.  Satsangha is Kalpataru. 

One wrong association – Duryodhana..... Duryodhana is actually the result of Shakuni.  Self-Denial (Duryodhana) is the result of Self-Hatred (Shakuni).  It is very surprising, Shakuni is not a womanizer!  Because he hates himself so much, he can never love anybody!  All these three – Dhritarashtra, Shakuni, Duryodhana – all three of them are not womanizers.  I am not saying womanizers are right.  No!  They hate themselves, they cannot love anybody.  They cannot even have romantic relationships in their life.  I am not saying all the people who have romantic relationships don’t have Self-Hatred and Self-Denial.  Sometimes, to escape from the Self-Hatred and Self-Denial, it becomes a perversion, people become womanizers.  That’s different.  Self-Hatred, Self-Denial and Self-Doubt, whatever may be the good qualities you have, embodiment of good quality you may be, just one wrong association can destroy everything. 

The essence of the whole Bhagavad Gita is “the master awakening responsibility”.  That is why you see everywhere in the Bhagavad Gita, it talks only about Responsibility, Responsibility, Responsibility.  “Karmanyevaadhikaarasthey, Maa Phaleshu Kadhaachana” (a quote from the Bhagavad Gita).  Krishna awakening Arjuna – Guru awakening the responsibility in beings.

Listen, each character in Mahabharata, please understand, they can never ever be imagination.  Each one of them lived!  Lived!  The whole essence is: The relationship you build in your life, the sangha you chose in your life, that protects you.  None one can harm you if you have the right sangha.  No one can save you if you have the wrong sangha.  No one is able to save even Bhishma, Dhrona.  Dhrona would not have ever thought that his own disciple (Arjuna) would raise the bow against him!  To whom he taught how to hold the bow, with so much of love and care to whom he has taught how to hold the bow, to protect whom he took away the thumb of Ekalavya, to defend whom he put Karna down, he would never have thought that Arjuna would stand against him, he has to fight against that Arjuna!  That is why, I tell you, you can never write a better thriller than Mahabharata, a story with so many twists, so many layers than Mahabharata. 

After reading Mahabharata, all other stories, epics, are pygmy (very small).  The tsunami of human emotions, the navarasa (nine emotions) in each character’s life!  Dhrona would never have imagined that the disciples whom he taught with so much of love and care, spending his whole life, will stand against him, all the astraas (supernatural weapons/missiles) and shastraas (weapons) he taught will come on him.  Understand, you may be a great acharya (teacher), but unless you complete with yourself, you will be useless.  You may be a great acharya, but unless you complete with your Self-Denial, you will be useless, you will be lost in the game of life.  Dhrona’s “Putra Paasha” (deep love or affection for one’s offspring), his “Putra Paasha” killed him.  Dhrona never became powerless in front of any pattern, but his deep affection for Ashwatthaama (his son) was his weakness.  That is why, Krishna plays a game: he sends the message ‘Ashwatthaama is killed’, hearing which Dhrona became powerless.  You may be a great acharya, but if you become powerless in front of “Putra Paasha”, you lose the war of life.  Then, now it is easy; once Dhrona became powerless, all the patterns take over him; he is gone, dead, destroyed!

I will give the essence in Hindi. 

The essence of today’s satsangh is:

Satsangha, if you have the satsangha (right association, right company), no one can destroy you, however powerful they may be.  If you are in dussangha, wrong company, no one can save you, however powerful you may think you are.  Satsangha protects you.  With satsangha, no one can destroy you.  With dussangha, no one can protect you. 

Listen!  Satsangha gives you whatever you want, even if you have lost everything.  See Yudhishtira!  He even didn’t have himself!  He lost even himself and went to the forest!  But, with just the satsangha, Krishna’s company, he got everything back.  All the trilokas (three worlds) came under him.

See Duryodhana!  He inherited everything, didn’t have any enemies, had all the best people thinking for him, supporting him, fighting for him!  But, just the dussangha, Shakuni, destroyed him.  Shakuni and Krishna are exactly opposite characters.  The celebration of life is Krishna.  Self-Hatred is Shakuni.  Exact opposite!  Shakuni’s sangha destroyed Duryodhana.  Krishna’s sangha saved Yudhishtira and gave everything to him.  So, whom you choose as an important company in your life matters.  Even psychologically with whom you feel connected matters.  Whose fan you are matters.  Who is in your inner-space matters.  Whom you think about, remember, celebrate, matters. 

I tell you, all the satsanghis who are sitting in the satsangh every day, I tell you, satsangh matters.  Satsangha is Kalpataru!  Whatever Yudhishtira wants, he got it just by association with Krishna.  Whatever Duryodhana had, he lost it just by association with Shakuni.  Shakuni – Self-Hatred – always comes with a sister – Self-Destruction – Gandhari.  She (Gandhari) might have developed a beautiful logic for tying the ribbon on her eyes, but she is Self-Destruction.  So, Self-Hatred always comes with a sister, Self-Destruction.  When this brother and sister duo enter your family, your family is gone!  Without Shakuni, surely Durodhana would have transformed himself.  Dhritarashtra would never have allowed Duryodana to be destroyed so badly, to that extent; it is Shakuni and Shakuni’s power over Dhritarashtra.  Self-Destruction shows as if it is dedicated to you.  Even if it is dedicated to you, destruction is destruction.  Destruction is destruction!  Destruction is destruction!  

I will continue, continue on the various characters of the Mahabharata.  The Mahabharata Yuddha (Mahabharata War) is our life where constantly Self-Hatred tries to cheat Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching.  Self-Hatred always tries to tell you that Integrity will not work, Authenticity will not work, Responsibility will not work, Enriching will not work, you are going to be cheated, you are a fool.  See Yudhishtira!  He looks like a fool throughout Mahabharata!  No one will believe Yudhishtira will win the game.  Till the end he looks like a fool!  Especially when he is controlling Bhima and Arjuna many times.  Bhima and Arjuna would have finished the whole Kauravas when they lost the dice game itself!  After the game, if Yudhishtira keeps quiet, Bhima and Arjuna would have killed the whole Kauravas and coronated Yudhishtira on the spot, especially when they touched Draupadi!  That is why, Enlightenment comes with all these five.  All these five are part of Enlightenment.  Draupadi is Enlightenment.  Self-Hatred and Self-Denial always abuse Enlightenment.  Enlightenment is the sister of incarnation, Krishna!  When Shakuni comes in your life, he brings Gandhari – Self-Destruction.  When Krishna comes in your life, he brings Enlightenment.  With whom you associate, you get his sister!  Giving a daughter from your family to a guy is a way of showing respect in those days.  When you want to honour somebody, you give a daughter from your family, showing that “you are worthy of my respect”.

Each character!  Whatever may be the struggle, Enlightenment never left Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching.  It was with them throughout.  Draupadi was with the Pandavas throughout, raises them back to the high level.  Understand, Yudhishtira – Integrity – when you start, Integrity never looks like he is going to win the war.  But you will see, finally, Yudhishtira only was coronated!  I tell you, even if you have thousands of doubts about Integrity and Authenticity, stand with it.  Then, Guru’s grace will always be with you.  Krishna’s grace always was with the Pandavas because of their quality.  Otherwise Krishna was in no way biased.  It was the quality they had.  So, I tell you, carry Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching; you will always have Guru’s grace on you; Guru will be on your side. 

Integrity is born from Kaala, Yama Dharma.  Yudhishtira is the son of Yama Dharma.  Yama will never miss the time.  That is why Yudhishtira is the embodiment of Integrity.  Who is the most integrated being in the Cosmos?  Yama Dharma! 

Most authentic being is Vayu.  Bhima is the son of Vayu. 

Naturally, Indra is the most responsible person in the whole universe.  He is head of the gods.  Arjuna is the son of Responsibility. 

Nakula and Sahadeva, the Ashwini Kumaras, the most enriching beings, the greatest doctors – doctor’s profession is the best enriching profession – the greatest healers, both sons of the greatest enricher! 

Kunti is the embodiment of Tapas.  Understand, Kunti is the embodiment of Tapas.  Her whole life, if you see, she is embodiment of Tapas.

I will continue, continue to expand on the Mahabharata and Causing Enlightenment.

I will move to the next segment of the morning satsangh.  Before that, my blessings to the Poonamalee-Chennai group who are sitting there for the Inner Awakening introduction program!  My blessings to the whole team!  Let you all really complete the whole program successfully and blossom as a Sangha.  All of you listen!  Don’t do this program aiming to create a community.  No!  Do this program aiming to flower as a Sangha wherever you are.  You may be living in different places, in different houses, but consciously you should become one, causing each other’s reality.  That should be your goal.  Later on, if community happens, let it happen.  You don’t plan for community.  Clear?  You guys will plan only to cause each other’s reality.  Authentically be a cause for causing others’ reality.  Don’t start with the agenda of making a community.  No!  Then you have an agenda!  No!  That is wrong!  Start with only one cause: Causing everyone’s reality.  You will support, be a catalyst for everyone to realize their reality.  That’s all!  This is your goal.  You guys will not talk about creating a community.  You guys will only talk about how you can help each other to cause your reality.  My blessings to the Inner Awakening introduction program!  My blessings to all the satsanghis, disciples, devotees, samajis, sannyasis!  Blessings to all of you!

So, now let us move to the Kalpataru Process. 

Sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Cognize you are in the presence of the Bidadi Kalpavruksha which is showering the whole world with auspiciousness, being a catalyst for everyone to realize their reality.  Whatever you want, create the space for whatever you want in your life.  Create the space for it responsibly.  Visualize that it has already become reality, and complete with all the self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial which comes up in-between.  Let your Kundalini be awakened and complete with all the self-doubts, self-hatred, self-denial!  Whatever you create in your space, let it become reality responsibly!  Namah Shivaya!


I bless you all!  Let your space become reality!  Thathaasthu! 

Please come for darshan one by one.  All the Kalpataru participants, come for darshan.
___________________ END OF SATSANG ___________________

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