Sunday, February 2, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I will continue to expand on “Causing Enlightenment”. 

I think, today is the last day of this year’s satsanghs.  So I have successfully completed my commitment of every day satsangh, with only 21-days break.  By appearing in today’s satsangh on time, I have successfully completed my commitment.  This year beginning I committed to all of you that every day I will be here for satsangh.  Only in unavoidable circumstances, 21-days maximum leave.  So I followed it!  And with the appearance here today, I successfully completed my commitment to all of you.  I thank the divine, Kalabhairava, for his support to me, because, many times, Kalabharava elongated time and saved my integrity.  And the Sachala Murthy Seva team which is behind, the team put all their efforts in making sure everything is there for me on time and I come and sit here for the satsangh; even travel plans they make, whether I go to Bali, or Malaysia, or Indonesia, they have to make the travel plans in such a way that I won’t miss satsangh, it has to be only between satsangh to satsangh!  So beautiful!  I sincerely thank the whole Sachala Murthy Team, the team which is supporting me in my work, and Kalabhairava, Mahadeva, who adjusted time two times at least to keep me in the space of integrity.  I am so happy!  Actually, only when I am telling you I feel it is big; otherwise I don’t feel it is big; so smoothly it happens! 

So, with the blessings of Kalabhairava, with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, I commit with all of you guys, again next year, the whole year we will have morning satsangh and Nithya Kalpataru Darshan wherever I am, means, whichever centers I am travelling.  And I don’t even feel like taking leave unless it is for unavoidable circumstances; anyhow, I will commit with you guys, it will be less than this year’s leave.  I commit with you guys, it will surely be less than this year’s leave.  We will be having Nithya Satsangh and Nithya Kalapataru Darshan.  I will be there for all you guys, with you guys, whichever city or country I am travelling to take Inner Awakening classes, whatever purposes.  The holidays will be surely less than this year’s; means, less than 21 days.  I give you guys my commitment through this declaration.  I request Kalabhairava’s blessings and Sangha’s blessings for me to make this a reality.  (Everybody in the hall blesses Swamiji with a loud “THATHAASTHU”!).  Understand, Sangha is a beautiful component of me which has a right to bless!  It is like, when I am coughing, I ask my throat and intestine to bless me.  It is my own part!  It responds, it really responds when I ask blessings!  It says, ‘Okay!  Alright!  Alright!  I will bless you.  You continue.’  So great!

I will expand on “Causing Enlightenment”, which is the essence of this whole year’s satsanghs.

Please understand, this “causing enlightenment”, let me expand some of the basic sacred principles of life.  Whichever, whatever conditions, understanding, facts, concepts, constrains you into your own body is “bondage”.  Whichever concept, principle, truth, philosophy, facts expands you, is “liberation”. 

Listen!  Whichever concepts, philosophies, truths, facts constrains you into your own body, into yourself, into you, you, you, is “bondage”.  Whichever philosophy, whichever principles, whichever concepts, whichever truths expands you, is “liberation”.  Whichever principles restrains you, constrains you into your own body, whichever principles shrinks you is “bondage”.  Whatever principles expands you is “liberation”.  This is the basic truth, this is “shruti”, irrevocable, unchangeable, eternal principles, Nithya Tattwa.

Yesterday I was so happy to see the joy in so many of my sannyasis.  We are having a four-day process for a group of sannyasis who are interested or participating.  It is a Think Tank process.  I am helping all of them to form a Think Tank for Sanatana Hindu Dharma.  Some of the grihastha Mahants are also there.  Mahants and Sannyasis, Kotharis, Thanedars, Brahmacharis, a big group is sitting doing certain processes.  Whoever is interested, I told them to come and participate.  I could see, suddenly, a big gush of energy in all of them!  Some of the important, great sannyasis who will not attend anything in the world, who have crossed the bounds of, limits of Paramahamsa, even these great Paramahamsas, “paramahimsa” Paramahamsas, who give paramahimsa (extreme torture) to others, even they also started feeling a new energy and fresh lease of life in them!  I was so happy, I was so happy I was able to make my whole sannyasis feel the joy of expansion.  Everyone invariably was telling, ‘Wow!  It is so joyful to be a part of others.  It is such a joy!’  All I did is one small process to help every one of them be a cause for everyone’s reality, be a cause for others’ reality, be a cause for everyone to realize their reality.  That’s all!  Just they started thinking about it!  I could see the energy, energy in them, and the joy and the expanded feeling. 

I tell you, human life is supposed to be lived with a lot of joy.....lot of joy.  It is supposed to be lived with lot of strength.  It is not supposed to be wasted in Wall Street or M.G. Road.  M.G. Road symbolises malls and buying.  Wall Street symbolises just earning, earning, earning.  Human life is neither supposed to be wasted only in earning, nor only in spending.  Because, neither in earning nor in spending you will find the sacredness of life. 

Please understand, “Joy” is a feeling, idea you carry.  “Sacred Joy” is the experience which happens to you.  Sacred Joy!  Whenever the option is in front – “Joy” and “Sacred Joy” – choose always “Sacred Joy”.  Sacred Joy can be experienced by you only when you cause enlightenment to others.  Please listen, Sacred Joy can be experienced by you, Sacred Joy is like a “Soma Bana” which strengthens you.  Somebody asked me, ‘What is the difference between Soma Rasa and the modern-day alcohol?’  Modern-day alcohol gives you fantasy, illusion, delusion and destroys your health.  Understand, it destroys your health.  But Soma Rasa raises you to the highest health, raises you to the peak health, amazing health.  Sacred Joy infuses strength in you.  Sacred Joy strengthens your consciousness.  I tell you, even in enriching there can be an ulterior motive, but in causing enlightenment, the ulterior motive is removed.  If “enriching” is like 22-carat gold, “causing” is like 25-carat gold!  Pure!  When you become a cause, when you become a cause for others’ reality, actually even when you start thinking to be a cause for everyone’s reality, even that thinking expands you and brings fresh lease of energy in you. 

Yesterday, when I did this process to all the sannyasis, when they were sharing I saw so much of joy and life in their sharing.....tremendous life.  Seeing whom the self-denial and self-hatred gets frightened, self-doubt starts shivering, is a “Sannyasi”.  Just by seeing you, the self-doubt, self-denial, self-hatred in others and in you, both, should start shivering and disappear.  That is strength!  That is “Sannyasi”!  No place for self-hatred, self-denial, self-doubt.  Self-doubt, self-denial, self-hatred is three weaknesses, major.  More than the word “weaknesses”, I will use the word “ignorances”.  A sannyasi should be so powerful, all these is burnt inside you and outside you.  Yesterday, I could see, so many of my sannyasis, even they themselves coming and telling that they are able to come out of their self-denial, self-doubt and self-hatred!  Even the new sannyasis, new initiates who are getting trained! 

Please understand, only when you cause enlightenment to others and yourself, life starts in you.  Beginning of life starts in you only when you cause enlightenment to yourself and to others.  This Nithya Kalpataru Darshan is my effort to cause enlightenment in all of you.  Understand, it is my effort to cause enlightenment in all of you.  Causing enlightenment!  Constantly supporting you, helping, living, enriching, causing others’ reality.  When you start thinking to make others’ reality, when you decide to cause to make others’ reality, even your ability to think expands.  Expansion always brings joy.  When you start thinking for others, consciously you become them, you become part of them.  Expansion brings always joy.  Expansion brings always bliss.  Expansion brings always Completion.  Expansion brings Completion, Joy, I can say, Sacred Joy.  Expansion brings Sacred Joy.

When somebody else carries incompletion, don’t think you need to correct them; you need to take responsibility to complete them.  Correction is not my teaching.  Completion is my teaching.  If you try to correct them, you will only create more enmity.  More enmity means more violence.  More violence means more arrogance.  More arrogance means more poison.  Correction is not what I am asking you guys to do.  Completion is what I am asking you guys to do.  Bring Completion into you.  Bring Completion into you.  This every day Kalabhairava Darshan itself is to bring Completion in you.  When you bring Completion in you, even the cosmos responds to you with so much of joy.  Even when it gives, it gives with so much of love.  It doesn’t treat you like a beggar.  It treats you like an inheritor.  Receiving can be done as a beggar or as an inheritor.  So, understand, causing enlightenment, causing enlightenment is such powerful, such joyful, such an experiential truth.  Still my sannyasis have not completed the process.  Today is the real process.  Till yesterday it was only introduction and opening them up.  Because, till yesterday, they were talking in the language of ‘I will help also to cause others’ reality.’  No!  Only you will HAVE to!  It is not that you will HELP them.  You will CAUSE them!  There is a big difference.  Till yesterday, my sannyasis were talking in the language of ‘I will help them whenever I have the time’.  No!  There is a big difference.  ‘I will CAUSE, I will use my ordinary, extraordinary powers and CAUSE!’ 

A sannyasi should have Ashta Maha Siddhis.  That is not that difficult.  Of course, it is difficult when you don’t try.  Everything is easy when you try with the right method, with the right process.  Arrey, we are living in India!  We are not living in European or American countries to tell that Ashta Maha Siddhis is difficult.  Come on!  We are born in a land where, in every village, ten sannyasis had Ashta Maha Siddhis and played with it!  We are born in a country where in every village, ten sannyasis with Ashta Maha Siddhis are buried!  Even the land smells of Ashta Maha Siddhis!  We are not in European countries or Western countries.  We are not born in a religion which says you are a slave or a sinner forever.  Come on!  We are born in a land which says you are “Amrutasya Putraha” – “Sons of Immortality”!  This dirty self-denial!  ‘Oh, ashta maha I have it?  Oh....’  No!  If you think I have, then you have!  If you think you can’t have, then be very clear, you don’t believe that even I have, because I am your extension!  If you think I have but you don’t have, then you are struggling with self-denial, self-doubt, self-hatred, which you need to complete immediately.  If you think you don’t have, be very clear, in your deep part of your being, heart, you don’t believe even I have.  I don’t know who will understand this in what way.  I wanted to make it very clear, I know my gurukul kids will believe me.  That much I am clear. 

All you guys, all the gurukul kids, you guys listen carefully.  You all have Ashta Maha Siddhis!  You can start expressing them.  You should start expressing them by creating difference spaces; means, by creating a right space for every city, you should start expressing them.  You guys should be almost like a Mystery School.  If somebody walks into the gurukul, they should see some ten guys are in the sky, levitating; some twenty kids, they are walking in the air, saying, ‘Today I have less time; so I think I will fly to the gurukul’!  It is possible!  All the Ashta Maha Siddhis are possible!  Our ancestors are not fantasizers; they were not in delusion or illusion. 

So, be very clear, you guys should just look around.  Continuously live with the possibility for you!  Go on causing that same space of possibility for others.  That’s all!  That’s all!  If you live a “parivrajaka” life with the space of possibility at least for one year, you will understand how miracles can be caused just by creating the space.  I have seen, the moment I create a space, the exact variety of food will, freshly cooked!  Multiple times I have seen, the guy who brings food and gives me, I will ask him, ‘Where you are from?’, and note down where his place, his house is.  When I go and enquire, they will say, ‘Nobody like that is here’!  And nobody knows who brought the food and gave!  It has happened multiple times!  So, you can experience the power of your space and you will have confidence over the power of your space when you live this life of “parivrajaka”.

So, the essence of today’s satsangh:

·         First, always be a cause for others to experience their reality.


·         Second, when you start causing others’ reality, the expansion happens in you, the joy happens in you, which is a Sacred Joy which strengthens you and makes even your own reality more powerfully.     


·         Third, Ashta Maha Siddhis are simply available to you when you cause others’ reality.


·         Fourth, carry the space of possibility in you.  Go on causing it for others. 

This is the essence of today’s satsangh and this whole year’s satsanghs.  By concluding this satsangh, I blissfully complete my commitment which I made in the beginning of this year.  By Kalabhairava’s grace, I have not missed a single day in integrity, or missing a single session.  This whole year, not a single session, or a program, or a festival, or a function, I missed integrity.  Everything, we were in time as per schedule. 

Yesterday almost I would have missed integrity for Teppam (float festival).  I was in a meeting.  I told Prana, ‘Inform the Teppam team I will not come, I will be a little late because this meeting is an important meeting.’  And he forgot to inform them!  And the clock is showing 8 o’clock.  Suddenly I asked him, ‘Have you informed?’  And he said, ‘No, I forgot....’  And I rushed!  And when I went there, Mokshapriyan said, ‘We still have four minutes time.’  And we had four minutes time!  Four minutes before time I was in the Teppam!  I don’t know how that clock started running fast or this clock started running slow, but we were on time as per the right time.  Kalabhairava maintained integrity again.  He showered his grace to be integrated again.  I tell you only one word: Integrity is just your confidence on you.  That’s all!  Nothing else!  When you decide, ‘I will do it’, you will do it.  That’s all!  Yesterday I almost decided I am going to do prayaschitta for missing this integrity and I told Prana, ‘I will have now to do at least a few days’ Nirahara.  You made me miss my integrity.’  But when I was rushing there, Mokshapriyan says, ‘No, four more minutes are there’! 

So nice, joyful to complete a commitment without missing it for a full year.  It gives so much of courage and confidence to do more things, to make ourselves more available to people to cause more and more bliss, enlightenment.  I don’t have any “vacation” idea or even expectation to have vacation.  But with so much of work and so much of things, to maintain time and being on time to keep every commitment, whether it is part of the Brahmotsavam or part of the class, or every day Integrity, Authenticity sessions, or Nithya Satsanghs, whatever....!  Next year, my routine is more tight, my whole calendar is full.  It is going to be twelve Inner Awakenings, full twelve Inner Awakenings!  Full twelve Inner Awakenings!  That’s great!  Let’s do it!  Let’s do it!  Hmmmm?  Mmmmm!!!

So, tomorrow we will have the Mission Day Celebrations, the day we inaugurated this Bidadi Ashram, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, and my birthday as per the English calendar.  We celebrate January 1st as my birthday as per the English calendar because of my mother’s memory; otherwise, we don’t have any written document, evidence.  But, as per my mother’s memory, she says it is on January 1st.  So, because of that, we are celebrating as per the English calendar.  We have written evidence, the documented evidence is only we have the Vedic calendar, nakshatra and rashi and thithi.  Only those things we have.  When we were mapping it back to the English calendar, we didn’t know whether it is January 1st night or 2nd night.  But my mother’s memory, she says 1st night, and so we celebrate.  Anyhow, we have inaugurated the Sangha on this day.  We will celebrate this as the Mission Day.  We Hindus need some reason to celebrate, that’s all!  Because, our religion is a religion of celebration, festival.  So, we just need some reason to celebrate; that’s all!  We go on celebrating; that’s all!  Our religion is not a religion of observation; it is a religion of celebration, religion of festivals.

Alright!  With this, I move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Dial-the-Avatar.  I will answer you calls.

So, with this, now we will move to the Kalpataru process.  Please sit straight.  Visualize the Bidadi Kalpavruksha, its eternal auspiciousness and showering.  Whatever you want, visualize it has already become a reality.  Drop all the self-doubts, self-denials, self-hatred.  Visualize it has already become a reality.  Sit in the space of Kalpataru.


Connecting with the Divine with closed eyes is meditation.  Connecting with the Divine with open eyes is darshan.  Please open your eyes for darshan.

___________________ END OF SATSANG___________________

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