Monday, February 10, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
I welcome all of you who have gathered for the Kalpataru Darshan with my love and blessings.
I will expand on Kalpataru. 
Please listen!  May be, before entering into Kalpataru, just one more thing.  Today, Chinese New Year!  My blessings to all the devotees from Chinese background and China country!  My blessings to the whole of China and all the Chinese people! 
And, Singapore, my blessings for your celebration on Chinese New Year!  My blessings!  Let us celebrate!  And my blessings for all that Snake Dance, Chinese ritual, Chinese food, everything you are doing in Singapore.  Oh, that is why everybody is in red colour!  Chinese New Year!  Blessings!  I am with you all!
We will move to Kalpataru Darshan, the Nithya Satsangh.
It is the power of Completion you create, and the power of space you create that makes my blessings into reality.  You make the balloon, I will infuse air into it.  You make the visualization, I will infuse energy into it.  In the balloon how much ever air I fill, it is not going to come to shape (if there is a hole in it).  Same way, if your inner-space has incompletions, how much ever Kundalini energy I pour into you.....  Your body may jump!  You may roll on the ground!  I have PhDs who roll on the ground!  People who have done PhDs in jumping and rolling!  But, that is not the ultimate result you need.  I have people who, if they start jumping and rolling, they will directly reach Bidadi!  Dubai, Atlanta-Ujjaini, all of them just don’t need a flight; just by jumping they will reach Bidadi!  I have specialists in jumping!  Understand, jumping is only one symptom of Kundalini awakening; but what you want, when it becomes reality, is the result of Kundalini awakening.  The “Ishta Siddhi”, “Eshwarathwa”!
Please listen!  I am not teaching superstitiousness.  I am not teaching superstitious beliefs.  What is actual superstitious belief you know?  Constantly thinking you are going to be a failure, even though life is giving you so many successes, is “superstiousness”.  Constantly believing you are going to be a failure, even though life is giving you so many good things, is “superstitiousness”.  So, when I teach you the Science of Possibility, “Eshwarathwa”, I am not giving any false hopes, or I am not teaching superstitiousness, I am teaching you the Science of “Saadhya”, Possibility, the Science of Possibility! 
When you do the Kalpataru process, when you close your eyes and sit and meditate, when I guide you into that Kalpataru process, bring awareness into you, one-by-one first create a space for what you want to cause.  I am giving you an example.  If you want to cause health, see clearly you have already become healthy.  See, I wanted to cause ten lakh sannyasis to Planet Earth, one million sannyasis, active, intelligent, living enlightened sannyasis to the Planet Earth.  If I “build a space” for it, means, already I am seeing ten lakh sannyasis sitting in front of me in Samadhi, radiating, living in Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, Causing, living enlightenment!  I am already seeing, I am already seeing, understand, ten lakh sannyasis radiating enlightenment!
If you are creating a space for health, just see it is already real, present, you already became healthy, you are living healthily.  Now, naturally, your mind will not accept.  ‘No, no, no...  Already I have knee pain.  I can’t even sit.  I have back pain.  I am coughing.  I am sneezing.  I have headache.  All my spare-parts are functioning on their own.  How can I be healthy?’  Your mind will ask all that!  Complete that one by one.  ‘Constantly having headache, who is responsible?  I developed that as a pattern.  Come on, let me complete and drop!  Constantly having cough, who is responsible?  I developed that as a pattern.  Come on, let me complete and drop!’  That is the way I managed.  See, in spite of my whole cough, I have not stopped a single day any of my programs.  Even if I don’t have Inner Awakening, whole day Kalpataru is going on.  Today, eight cities Kalpataru!  Whole day Kalpatarus are happening at different, different times!  I have not stopped talking.  I only completed with my cough and dropped.  The good medicine for a cough is going for a walk in the cold!  That is what I did.  In the nice chill weather I walked, and cough became alright!  Anyhow you don’t try this medicine!  You try Completion.    
Listen!  The incompletions you have, the doubts you have, you think, if you think you may not be able to survive and complete, you may not be able to achieve.  Many people think, ‘Before becoming healthy I will die!  Before becoming wealthy I may die!’   No!  Listen!  You don’t need to have so much hatred towards you.  And you don’t need to think you are not qualified to have health or wealth.  See, anything which belongs to the universe belongs to you.  You have a right over everything of the universe, because you are children of the universe.  Children have every right over everything that belongs to their father and mother.  You have a right over everything which belongs to humanity.  That is exactly the context with which I went for “parivrajaka” (spiritual wandering).  Some of my sadhus always fantasize about going for “parivrajaka”.  But you can’t fantasize as a beggar.  For “parivrajaka”, you have to go as a king!  See, when I went on “parivrajaka”, I know this whole universe belongs to me, I have a right over the whole universe.  I am responsible for the whole universe; same way, I have a right over the whole universe!  From this context you should live your role. 
Please listen!  I am throwing so many ideas in front of you.  In a way, I am bombarding you!  But all these ideas align your inner-space to cause what you want as reality.  So, step-by-step I am explaining.  We can use today’s satsangh before every e-Kalpataru session for people to understand how to do the Kalpataru process.  It is a very powerful process and technique which you can do every day. 
First, pen down one desire you want to cause as reality.  Don’t pen down two, three more!  No!  Only one!  This is a big problem with people who come for Kalpataru darshan.  The moment they get the phone to speak to me, that is it!  They don’t when they will get the chance to speak to me again!  ‘My grand-father’s brother’s son has a knee pain!  My cousin’s dog ran away from home!  My cats cousin brother’s, student’s father’s mother lost his dog!’  They start.....!  Please understand, I can cause any number of your thoughts as reality, but your inner-space is not capable of receiving it!  You are capable of receiving only one thought at a time.  So pick up one thought you want to cause as reality, ONE thought you want to cause as reality. 
And, listen, listen, pen down all the incompletions you have related to that desire.  Pen down all the incompletions you have about that desire.  List it down.  Start listing it down.
Once both your lists are ready – the thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions around that thought.....  The “incompletions” means, it may be a doubt – ‘Will I ever become healthy?  Will I ever become wealthy?’  It may be hatred towards yourself.  I think sometimes you yourself develop a thought that you should not become healthy, which is self-hatred.  Sometimes, self-denial: You think health is not part of your life. 
‘Will I become healthy?’ is self-doubt.
‘I should not become healthy!’ is self-hatred.
‘I can never become healthy!’ is self-denial. 
This kind of SDHD (Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial) patterns you carry, pen them down, write them down.  The SDHD patterns you carry related to that one desire, one thought you want to cause as reality, pen them down. 
Once your list is ready – the thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial (SDHD) you carry about that thought you want to cause as reality – pen down both the lists. 
The thought you want to cause as reality, as I advised, at every process pick up only ONE, one thought.  Today when you are sitting for Kalpataru process, take up only one thought.  Tomorrow when you sit for Kalpataru process, you can pick up another thought; it can be a different thought.  Today you may do the Kalpataru process for Health.  Tomorrow you can do for Wealth.  Day-after-tomorrow you can do for Relationships.  You can do different, different.  But during one process, do only ONE thought.
So, first pen down in a very detailed way the ONE thought you want to cause as reality, and all the self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial, incompletions you have around that thought.  And, please listen, when these two lists are ready, sit with your eyes closed.  See, now don’t do; now I am only giving instructions. 
When these two lists are ready, sit with your eyes closed, create the space for what you want to cause as reality.  When I say ‘create the space’, I mean, for example, if you want to have wealth, a billion dollars, see already you have a billion dollars, that it has become reality.  And whatever doubts, incompletions, hatred, Self-Doubt, Hatred, Denial (SDHD) you have which is stopping you making it a reality, complete that and drop it.  For example, when you want to have health, when you are creating a space for health, you may have so many SDHD.  Complete with all that and drop and decide ‘I will hold on to the space of health!’  When you create the space for wealth, all your SDHD will come up.  Declare very clearly, ‘I am complete with all this doubt, hatred, denial!’ and drop it.  Hold on to the space of wealth.  Hold on to the space which you want to create as reality at least for twenty-one minutes.  Then you will see all the incompletions, doubts, hatred, denial you have lose power over you and the space you created gets infused with power, energy, Kundalini Shakthi, your Kundalini and my Kundalini both!  In front of Master’s Kundalini, your Kundalini is only a small rat – “sundali” (Tamil word for “small rat”), understand?  But when you create a sincere space for you, Master’s Kundalini breathes energy into what you want to create!  When the Master’s energy, life is infused into your space, your inner-space gets “prana pratishta” done!  It gets the “prana pratishta” happen!  The “prana pratishta” happens by it!  So, understand, the space you carry becomes reality when you properly go through the Kalpataru process.
So, now, before the Kalpataru process, the Singapore kids wanted to perform the Chinese New Year’s dance for me.  I will spend a few minutes, give them a few minutes.  Then we will start the Kalpataru process.  My blessings for Chinese New Year!  Singapore kids can do your performance.
DANCE BY SINGAPORE KIDS.....................
My blessings!  Thank you!  Thank you for the Singapore kids!  Wonderful performance!  My blessings!  Beautiful!  Beautiful performance they have done!  I don’t know whether you guys are able to see it or not.  My blessings to the Singapore Sangha and the whole Chinese Sangha, Nithyananda Sangha Chinese!  Blessings!
Tiruvanmiyur, blessings for Nithya Dhyan Yoga, NDY!  Tiruvanmiyur, blessings for Nithya Dhyan Yoga!  With all the auspiciousness, you will be with me, I will be with you!  Blessings to all the participants for Tiruvanmiyur Nithya Dhyan Yoga!  My blessings for all of you!  Be blissful!
And now let us start the Kalpataru process.
Please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  May be, first few minutes, you can pen down; then we will enter into the process.  Please pick up your paper and pen, because still many of you may not have penned down.  Please pick up your paper and pen and write the one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions, self-doubt, hatred, denial (SDHD) you have around that one thought.  All the SDHD you have around that one thought, pen down.  Please start the process of writing the one thought you want to cause as reality and all the incompletions around that thought.  Pen down these two. 
(After a few minutes.....................)
Now, please sit straight.  We will enter into the process of Kalpataru. 
First, create the space for what you want to achieve, what you want to cause as reality.  Create the space for it.  As I said, whatever you want, cognize, see clearly it has already happened now.
And all the doubts, hatred, denial you have (SDHD), complete and drop them....complete and drop.
Hold on to the space you want to create as reality for the next twenty-one minutes.
Please create the space. 
I bless you all!  Let you all experience intense Kundalini awakening and let it fill the space you want to create as reality!  Namah Shivaya!
I bless you all!  Let the space you created become reality!  Let the Kundalini Shakthi in you all fill the space you created as reality!
We will start the Kalpataru Darshan one by one.  Actually six cities – Warsaw-Poland, Washington DC-Sripuram, Andheri-Mumbai, Houston-Kalahasti, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram!  My blessings!  We will have one by one the Darshan.
Before I start the Kalpataru Darshan, I will bless all the satsangh participants so that you can carry on with your routine.  Two-way video-conferencing cities, if you want to watch you can sit and watch; otherwise you carry on. 
I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANG ___________________

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