Monday, February 10, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
I welcome all the participants who have gathered for Kalpataru in Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, and Kulim-Tiruttani-Malaysia with my love and blessings.
Today, the Rajarajeshwari, Nithyanandeshwari’s Brahmotsava, Day-3!  Devi is gracing all of us with Simha Vaahana, Suvarna Simha Vaahana, Golden Lion Vehicle.
Let me start today’s satsangh.
Today I wanted to expand on the power of Manonmaniya Vidya, inner awakening. 
“Mana Unmaniya” is “awakening your inner-space”.  Please understand, just like your eyes have certain powers, ears have certain power, tongue has some power, hands have some power, legs have some power, “Jnanendriya” and “Karmendriya”.....  “Jnanendriya” means, the “indriyas” (the faculties) you have which receive information, knowledge; “Karmendriya” means, the “indriyas” you have which act.  For example, tongue, when it tastes, it is “jnanendriya”; when it speaks, it is “karmendriya”.  Eyes, when they see, it is “jnanendriya”.  Ears when they listen, it is “jnanendriya”.  Hands when they receive the touch, it is “jnanendriya”; when they are acting, in action, it is “karmendriya”. 
Like how your “jnanendriya” and “karmendriya” have certain powers, your inner-space – “mana” – has powers.  “Mana” has powers.  “Mana Unmaniya”, “Manonmaniya”.  “Unmaniya” means “awakening”.  “Manonmaniya” – “awakening the mind, inner-space”.  I don’t want to use the word “mind” to translate “mana”, because your mind has been polluted and spoiled with the wrong definition.  I will translate “mana” in this context of the word “Manonmaniya”; I will translate that word “mana” as “inner-space”. 
Please listen!  Awakening your inner-space is one of the important things which can be done to a human-being by himself or by Guru.  Please understand, if you didn’t take care of your eyes and spoiled it, you can’t say the eyes are wrong.  Same way, if you didn’t take care of your inner-space and destroyed it, “stinking” – means, you are not able to live with it.....  If you are agitated, depressed, if you are not able to sit with yourself happily, comfortably, be very clear, you have a stinking inner-space; please visualize yourself sitting in the Corporation toilet (dirty public toilet)!  In India – only Indians can understand this word “Corporation toilet”, because the private rest-rooms are well-maintained in India – there are some “Corporation toilets”.  Please understand, that is exactly what is happening to you if you can’t live with your inner-space, what you have done to your inner-space! 
If you are agitated, cannot rest with yourself, relax with yourself, cannot be in peace with yourself, if you cannot just have vacation with yourself, if you are agitated, depressed, unable to handle yourself – listen please – if you are agitated, depressed, unable to handle yourself, be very clear, your inner-space is stinking!  Don’t think inner-space is wrong!  Don’t think “mana” is wrong!  Because you misbehaved with it, mishandled it, abused it, misused it, now when it is stinking, don’t say that “mana” is wrong and you have to go beyond mind!  I don’t deny we have to go beyond mind; but you cannot say mind is wrong! 
One of the biggest differences between Buddhism and Hinduism is – please understand, being one of the spiritual leaders of Hinduism, with my inner awakening, I have to tell this – even though the Manonmaniya Vidya, awakening the mind, that science was from Hinduism, unfortunately Hindu gurus have stopped reaching this science to the world.  We straightaway started thinking...... (audio got distorted at this point......)  All the time we will sit and say “Aham Brahmasmi!  Aham Brahmasmi!”  And the whole thing, the “Aham” is stinking!  As long as the whole thing, in and around, is stinking, just by sitting and saying “Aham Brahmasmi”, do you think you will become a great Advaiti?  In Buddhism, the first training is training of the mind.  That is why they are able to make more people cross the mind than we.  Understand, even though Buddhism is one of the “marhis” (“marhi”, sometimes pronounced as “madi”, means “centre” or “branch”) – in our Akhada, in the fifty-two “marhis”, Buddhism is one of the “marhis” – they reached the Science of Liberated Thinking to more people, the Manonmaniya Vidya to more people than we reached. 
Please understand, you misbehaved with your eyes and it doesn’t function well; now can you blame the eyes are wrong?  No!  I have seen people, out of their carelessness they hit their leg on a stone, but they say the stone has hit them!  Did the stone walk and come and hit your leg?  When you don’t use your mind, inner-space, when you misuse, abuse, if you are shitting on it, how will it feel?  It will be stinking and never clean!  How will you expect it to smell great and you can be happy with it?  Come on!  It is time for us to clean the inner-space with “Completion Phenyl”!  Completion is the phenyl, initiation is the acid!  Let the “manonmaniya”, “mana unmaniya”, inner awakening happen! 
(In India, when toilets get very dirty and stained, acid is used to clean them; and Phenyle is used as a disinfectant and air-freshener to keep the place smelling fresh).
Devi is called “Manonmani”.  Only Devi has the largest number of Upanishads dedicated to her, not Mahadeva.  Please understand, in the Shruti, original Vedic literature..... 
In Hinduism we have two divisions:
·        The original Vedic literature, means “Shruti”, what is experienced by the Rishis and the Cosmos, the Akashic Records; and

·        The “Smriti”, their interpretation from the remembrance, from the awakened remembrance.

In the Shruti, the base literature – Vedas and Upanishads – in that, the largest number of Upanishads are dedicated to Devi, not Mahadeva.  Mahadeva has only Rudra and Chamaka dedicated to him.  Of course, there are Upanishads like Bhasma Upanishad, Rudra Upanishad dedicated to Mahadeva.
(audio distorted at this point......)
In one of these, at least three times Devi is praised as “Manonmani”.  And many number of times Devi is praised as “Manonmani” in Sahasranama.  “Manonmani” means “inner awakening”.  She is embodiment of inner awakening. 
Start practicing liberated thinking by awakening your inner-space.  If you maintain your eyes properly, you can see anything.  If you train your ears and maintain them properly, you can hear anything.  Same way, if you clean and train the inner-space properly, you can achieve anything.
The Manonmaniya Vidya, the Science of Inner Awakening is the basic need for every human-being.  Our schools, gurukuls, everything is based on this science of Manonmaniya, inner awakening, liberated thinking.
Please understand, every day you are thinking (you undergo the action of thinking), whether you want or not.  If the thinking is leading you to more and more joy, creation, expansion, experience, it is liberated thinking.  If the thinking is binding you more and more, suffocating you, torturing you, and “ughhh”(stinking) is incompletion.   Mouth smell is much better than mind smell!  When you open your mouth, if your words and thoughts are stinking, that is much worse!  If it is just mouth smell, Kadukkai Podi (Haritaki Powder) is enough; it will cleanse and take care.  If it is mind smell, Completion is needed.  If it is the mouth smell, Kadukkai Podi, Haritaki Powder is enough.  If it is mind smell, Completion is required!  That is why, every night, have Completion and Kadukkai Podi, both, so that mind smell and mouth smell, both get cleansed. 
Completion, Completion, Completion, Completion!  Work, work, work, work with yourself and awaken, awaken, awaken!  Go on awakening you!  Go on awakening you!  Go on awakening you by completing yourself every day, please understand!  Please understand, every day your Completion awakens some power in you.  Don’t think Completion is a dead process, you will be doing it for twenty-eight years like some Pranayama, some Kriya, some technique; there neither you developed nor the people around you developed; only the Guru who taught you developed!  Completion is not like that....dead technique.  Every day when you practice you discover new, new capabilities and freedom in you!  “Liberated thinking” means, every day discovering different powers in you.  Like how a child discovers.  First day the child discovers it can put its leg in its mouth.  Second day it discovers it can put its leg on the ground and push itself to stand.  When I say this, I don’t mean literally it is “first day”, “second day”!  I mean “first”, “second”.  Next it discovers it can stand up holding something.  Then it discovers it can walk.  Then it discovers it can run.  Same way, when you do Completion again and again and again every day with different, different, different incompletions you are carrying, you discover beautiful powers, joys, freedom, liberation!
Understand, discovering every day different, different, different capabilities, powers, abilities, freedom, joy, excitement in you is “Completion”.  Completion is not a dead technique.  It is a living experience!  Please do it!  Every day take this as a religious practice.  It is a religious practice!  You will develop this liberated thinking, “manonmaniya”.  Then you are Devi!  Then you are Devi!  If you have liberated thinking in you, you are Devi!  I am not promoting something impossible, please understand.  I am talking something immediate!  I am not talking something like a long-time goal.  I am talking something which you can do before your breakfast!  Understand, when I talk about the Science of Completion, Science of Enlightenment, science of awakening your inner-space, don’t think these are all long-term goals.  Don’t postpone it by saying or thinking these are long-term goals.  These are the actions you can do before your breakfast!  Believe.....before your breakfast!  It is possible! 
Declare to yourself, ‘Now I declare I will practice and live liberated thinking!  I practice and declare liberated thinking!  Means, my thinking will be from the space of Completion, powerfulness, joy, fulfilment!’
Every time when you feel incomplete, complete and drop, complete and drop.  It will take only hardly a few months to be all the time in the space of Completion.  When you start living the Science of Liberated Thinking, you are a Sannyasi.  You are a Sannyasi only when you live the Science of Liberated Thinking.  Wherever you live, if you are living with the Science of Liberated Thinking, you are a Sadhu.  Whether you are living as a corporate CEO, married or unmarried, single, divorcee, sannyasi, brahmachari or grihastha, or between both, i.e. neither brahmachari nor grihastha, but enjoying your bachelor life, whatever you are, if you just live the Science of Liberated Thinking, you are a great Sadhu, you are a great being!  Understand, you can just create a space for anything and it will simply become reality!  It will simply become reality!  It will simply become reality!
I will give the essence of today’s satsangh in Hindi.
When you live this Science of Liberated Thinking, you are a Maha Purusha!
First, anybody who wants to learn about life, know about life, should start with this Science of Liberated Thinking.  I will cause a breakthrough in the thinking of human-beings through this Science of Liberated Thinking!
So, now, we will move to the Kalpataru process. 
Whoever is here for the Kalpataru process in Bidadi-Raja Sabha, or Kulim-Tiruttani, or Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, please pick up your paper and pen. 
Start writing two things:
·        One, the thought you want to cause as reality; and
·        All the doubts, hatred, denial, incompletions you have about that thought becoming reality.
Pen down both!  Pen down both!  The thought you want to cause as reality, and the incompletions you have towards causing that thought into reality, pen down both.  Take a few minutes and pen down both.  Then I will lead you all into the process of Kalpataru.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Visualize that the thought you want to create as reality is already reality.  Hold a space that it has already become real.  Any incompletions you have towards making that thought as reality, complete that and drop.  Hold that space sincerely with Completion!  Namah Shivaya!
Relax.  I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  Namah Shivaya!
And now we will move towards Kalpataru Darshan. 
All the Inner Awakening participants, I want to complete with you all, because today already two Kalpatarus have been committed, I will finish this Malaysia and Erode (Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam) both, and then come for the session, start the session.  But I have also instructed them that, from now, always whenever there is Inner Awakening, we will have only one city, then the people in Bidadi.  So, today, you can have your breakfast.....and, may be, you can see the rose garden of the gurukul about which I was telling yesterday.  You can use this little time available to take you guys to the rose garden of the gurukul.  You can go and have darshan of that, see that and come back.  Great!
I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!
___________________ END OF SATSANG ___________________

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