Sunday, February 2, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I will continue to expand on the characters of Mahabharata, the concept of Kalpataru,  and on Self-Denial, Self-Hatred, Self-Doubt patterns.

Please understand, Dhritarashtra – Self-Doubt – attracts Self-Destruction as a companion – Gandhari.  Self-Destruction always looks like sacrifice.  Please listen, any sacrifice out of incompletion will only be self-destruction; it will not be tapas.  Kunti is also sacrifice, but out of completion.  Gandhari is also sacrifice, but out of incompletion.  Kunti and Gandhari are complete opposites.  Sacrifice out of completion is Tapas.  Sacrifice out of incompletion is Self-Destruction.  Listen!  Sacrifice out of completion is Tapas, Sacrifice out of incompletion is Self-Destruction.

In those days, there were some sampradhayas where physically they used to make men impotent to keep up their brahmacharya.  I am completely against it.  The psychology should evolve, the parasite pattern should be burnt, and they should reach the space of brahmacharya.  That is what is sacrifice out of completion.  Physically if they are made impotent, that can never be called Tapas.  So, please understand, sacrifice out of completion is Tapas, sacrifice out of incompletion is Self-Destruction.

Dhritarashtra naturally attracts Self-Destruction – Gandhari – as the wife, companion.  Then both of them give birth to hundreds of Self-Denials.  Understand, hundreds of self-denial patterns!  When Self-Denial is born, it will not have life.  When Self-Denial is born, it will not have life.  It becomes hundreds of patterns.  That is what exactly happened when Duryodhana was born.  He became hundreds of self-denial patterns. 

Look into your life, Self-Denial will never be alone.  It will have hundreds of patterns, so that from all sides you are attacked, you are cornered. 

When the Self-Denial is born, you have a choice to complete with it immediately, but Self-Doubt will not allow you to be completed.  Dhritarashtra didn’t allow Duryodhana to be killed even though they all know Duryodhana’s birth is going to be inauspicious for the whole country. 

Vidura is the Initiation into Completion.  Once in a while, knowingly or unknowingly, you do get initiated into Completion.  Some way you will listen to some spiritual principles, concepts, truths.  But your Self-Doubt will never allow you to trust the power of Completion.  Your Self-Doubt will never allow you to complete with the Power of Completion.  And Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial, they are so cunning, again and again they will show to the world that Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching have nothing to offer you, that they themselves are pauper, that they won’t be able to offer you anything.  Self-Denial, Self-Hatred use all the cunning methods to take away everything from Integrity and Authenticity.  You are made to believe that if you are standing with Integrity and Authenticity, you will only be a loser.  But who is ultimately the loser?  Self-Denial and Self-Hatred! 

I sincerely recommend every one of you to watch the Mahabharat serial.  If you watch the Mahabharat serial and come for satsangh, you will understand completely what I am saying.  I thank the whole team which is doing this Mahabharat serial for doing such a great service to Bharat.  The layers and layers and layers of socio-political personalities of Mahabharata is so beautifully portrayed by this team with so much of hard work.  I appreciate their hard work for portraying all the characters so beautifully in STAR Plus TV.  And I really, really appreciate the team.  And I wanted all of you to watch the Mahabharat so that when I am describing the different characters you will understand more deeply. 

Tapas (Kunti) naturally aligns with the different powers of Nature and gives birth to Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching.  Kunti connects with Surya, Indra and Dharma – means, Yama Dharma – Vayu, the Ashwini Kumaras, and gives birth to the Pandavas.  But Self-Doubt (Dhritarashtra) joins with Self-Destruction (Gandhari) and gives birth to Self-Denial patterns (Duryodhana and his brothers, the Kauravas).  Understand, Self-Denial tries its best in every possible way to destroy Integrity (Yudhishtira), Authenticity (Bhima), Responsibility (Arjuna) and Enriching (Nakula and Sahadeva), but the power of the Guru – Krishna – again and again and again protects Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. 

Sometimes, when Self-Denial, Self-Hatred and Self-Doubt, when all of them gather together, they think they conquered the whole world and they try to create a scandal around enlightened beings and Enlightenment (Draupadi).  That is what is Draupadi Vastra Apaharana (disrobing of Draupadi).  They abuse Enlightenment and the whole Science of Enlightenment by trying to make Draupadi naked.  That is what is this Communist foolish and the materialistic stupid ganging up together trying to tell the world that there is no such thing as Enlightenment, by pulling the robe, disrobing the Science of Enlightenment.  See, it is like if there is an enlightened being, try to create a scandal around him and destroy!  But Krishna appears and sends endless enlightened beings to Planet Earth, and never ever the plans of Self-Denial (Duryodhana), Self-Hared (Shakuni) and Self-Doubt (Dhritarashtra) can be successful.  The eternal amount of cloth which comes out of Draupadi’s body is the eternal number of enlightened beings landing on Planet Earth.  The Science of Enlightenment is Draupadi.  Just by disrobing her, abusing her, Self-Denial and Self-Doubt try to prove that the whole science is fake and false.  But Krishna intervenes and sends continuously infinite number of enlightened beings to Planet Earth and makes Self-Doubt and Self-Denial tired. 

Please understand, I will make at least a few million enlightened beings on the Planet Earth to make all these so-called materialists, atheists who are living in Self-Denial and Self-Hatred and Self-Doubt, make them all tired and make them understand the Science of Enlightenment is true.  That is the only way I will protect the modesty of enlightenment, the Science of Enlightenment.  I will keep the honour of the Science of Enlightenment, Draupadi. 

Around every enlightened master, and for every enlightened master, at one point, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial and Self-Doubt, all three combined have tried to attack him, tried to take away everything from him, his kingdom, everything, the disciples around him.  What has been done to Yudhishtira, the same thing they try to do.  They even try to force him into exile.  But the power of Krishna is such that they (enlightened masters) cannot be destroyed, they cannot be destroyed.  Only Self-Doubt, Self-Destruction and Self-Denial get destroyed. 

Look into your life.  Your whole life is nothing but the War, the Mahabharata War.  Continuously, again and again, continuously, again and again, Self-Destruction raises its energy.  One of the important things you need to know is, Self-Destruction will look very humble, polite, as if innocent; but if you allow Self-Destruction, it will destroy you.  Self-Destruction is what is “giving up on yourself and giving up on others”.  Whenever Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial – SDHD – come up, giving up on yourself is Self-Destruction.  See Gandhari!  She gave up on herself.  Otherwise, Gandhari is a trained queen.  She knows dharma, she knows what is right and what is wrong.  She should have brought her son up properly, guided her brother, Shakuni, properly.  But this one lady (Gandhari) entered into one vamsha (clan) and destroyed the whole vamsha.  Kunti, one lady, entered the vamsha and protected the whole vamsha from destruction.  But, if you see from outside, both (Kunti and Gandhari) look the same, Tapas and Self-Destruction.  So, please understand, Tapas and Self-Destruction will look the same.  But one (Tapas) is out of Completion, another one (Self-Destruction) is out of incompletion. 

Karna is the embodiment of Charity.  But, unfortunately, his charity was dependent on his incompletion that he is not recognized.  His charity was just to get recognition.  From the beginning, he had that one deep incompletion – not being recognized.  So, just to get recognized, he is ready to give up anything.  Otherwise, why will he give up his life-protecting “Kavacha Kundala” (his ear-rings) to Devendra when he knows that what Devendra, his enemy’s (Arjuna’s) father, is asking is going to take away his life?  But the deep incompletion of not being recognized, for the sake of recognition his charity started.  Please understand, charity done for the sake of recognition will only lead to destruction.  That is what is the story of Karna. 

And, same way, if you are not integrated with your Guru, the lessons you learnt will disappear, will be forgotten when they are really, really needed in your life.  Many people think that the teachings from the Guru are enough, the Dhamma is enough, the Buddha is not required, teachings are enough, Guru is not required.  Karna’s story!  Learnt from Parashurama, but not being integrated to Parashurama.  It gives pseudo-confidence.  But when you are really in the war, in the battle-field, in the fight, you realize that you don’t have the powers, which you thought you have, to fight in life. 

I have seen many people; they have their own imaginary plans as to how they can run their life without the Master’s presence; they think the teachings are enough, the words are enough, Guru is not required, integrity with Guru is not required.  They jump into the war.  Suddenly they realize that whatever they learnt is not there, is no more useful, it is forgotten!  I tell you, integrity with Guru is like electricity supply, power connection.  Only that keeps all your machinery, mechanisms active.  Whether you have air-conditioner, heater, cooler, fan, light, laptop, computer, TV, fridge, you may have everything, but only with electricity supply all of them will function, will be useful to you.  If electricity supply is not there, power supply is not there, none of them will be useful.  Same way, integrity with Guru is power supply, electricity supply. 

If Karna had not learnt Brahma Astra and Brahma Vidya from Parashurama, at least he would have been sure about his powers and capabilities and would not have entered to fight Arjuna who rules the Brahma Vidya.  At least, he would have been clear about his capabilities – what he knows and what he doesn’t know.  But, now, he has a pseudo-confidence thinking that he knows Brahma Vidya and Brahma Astra.  And when he is in the battle-field trying to pick the astra (missile) and create atomic energy in the tip of the astra, he is going to forget the vidya (the art/technique/knowledge) completely.  God!  What a scary situation!  What a scary situation!  I

I tell you, this Parashurama’s curse is the worst curse!  You should read the Mahabharata, the original verse.  Parashurama is not saying his curse to Karna alone.  He makes a statement, ‘Whoever is not in integrity with the Guru, let them forget the vidyas learnt, taught, blessed by the Guru, at the exact time of need’!  He is not cursing Karna.  Please read the lines, read the original verses.  That is the most scary “shaapa”, curse! 

Yudhishtira curses Kunti.  When Karna dies, Kunti goes and cries, ‘O, my son...!’.  Only then the Pandavas came to know that Karna is their brother!  So, Yudhishtira curses Kunti: ‘How dare you hide this secret from us?  We have become sinners of killing the “bratha”, killing our brother!  Killing the brother, that sin has come to us by you hiding this!’  Then Yudhishtira curses: ‘No woman’s brain will be able to hold any secret”!  No, it is a curse he gave to women as a whole, not just to one! 

See, in the whole Mahabharata, there are only two curses which are universal curses.  All other curses were to the individual.  In the whole Mahabharata, at least there are hundred incidents where the curses are given.  By the power of Integrity, the curses become reality.  But there are only two curses which are universal curses.  One is given by Yudhishtira, another one is given by Parashurama.  I think Parashurama’s is the worst curse, because he is not saying, ‘O, Karna, YOU will forget whatever YOU learnt, whatever was given to YOU by the Guru, at the time of need’; he is not saying that way.  If you read the original verses, you will understand – Vyasa’s Mahabharata.  Parashurama says, ‘WHOEVER is not integrated to the Guru, all the blessings they received from the Guru, let it be lost exactly during the crisis moment of life!’ 

You need to know, till the fourteenth day of the War – on the fourteenth day of the War, Karna was killed – till the fourteenth day of the War, till the fourteenth day morning, Karna had the science of Brahma Vidya with him; because he used it on Ghatotkacha (son of Bhima), he used it on Abhimanyu (son of Arjuna).  So Karna was very confident that he is going to use it on Arjuna.  He had two invincible weapons – Nagastra and Brahmastra – given by Parashurama.  When he picks up the astra to energize the astra with the atomic energy – please understand, Brahmastra is an atomic weapon; through sound they created a collision between the atoms; that kind of powerful sounds were created from the navel, the atomic effect was created – so, when he is ready and fixing the arrow on the bow and trying to load, the science is forgotten by him!  But, on the other side, that guy (Arjuna) is standing with the science alive!  What a scary situation! 

No, I am not able to digest Parashurama’s curse!  He could have given it just to Karna.  But Parashurama’s anger is always generalized!  When he is angry with one Kshatriya, he says ‘I will finish off the whole Kshatriya Vamsha!’  When he is angry with one disciple cheating the Guru (Karna cheating Parashurama), he finished off the whole vamsha of cheaters!  And he also makes a statement, Parashurama declares, ‘Your glory will be remembered forever!  Same way, your mistakes will also be remembered forever, as a lesson, by the world!’  He tells Karna, ‘Let this be a lesson for the whole world!’  So, never ever miss integrity with the Guru!  Never ever create incompletion with the Guru!

The essence of today’s satsangh I will share it in Hindi.

The essence of today’s satsangh:

Always be in the space of Integrity with the Guru.  Always be in the space of Completion with the Guru. 

Let us move to the next segment of the morning satsangh – Kalpataru Darshan. 

All of you please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Create a powerful space for what you want to have in your life.  Visualize it with Integrity, Authenticity and Responsibility.  Visualize it with Integrity and Authenticity.  I bless you all, let your Kundalini Shakthi be awakened and fill your whole being, and let the space you create become reality responsibly!  Namah Shivaya!


You can open your eyes.  One by one you can come for darshan.  Before darshan, I will finish the Dial-the-Avatar phone calls.  So, just please wait for a few minutes.

DIAL-THE-AVATAR IN PROGRESS.....................

Now all of you can come.  Whoever has come for Kalpataru Darshan can come.  Inner Awakening Level-1, Level-2, Level-3 participants, please be seated.  You will have darshan in the evening.  Be blissful!

I also bless, in the next thirty-six hours, whomever you authentically choose to cause the reality for, I bless you and hold a space for you to make the reality happen; and I bless the person whom you choose, and also bless the space for that reality to happen! 

Be blissful!     

___________________ END OF SATSANG ___________________

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