Sunday, February 2, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us at this moment through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries around the world.

Cities sitting with us: Toronto-Kailasam, San Jose-Madurai, Nithyananda Nagara-Bangalore, Hosur Dhyanapeetam, Houston-Kalahasti, Winnipeg-Canada, Ohio-Prayag, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Monterrey-Kedarnath, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Johore Bahru-Tiruchendur, Thiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Indrani-New Jersey, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Madurai Dhyanapeetam, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Philip Island-Australia, Oman-Sivagangai, Kanchipuram Dhyanapeetam, Kulim-Tiruttani, Jorpati-Nepal, Tallahassee-Florida, Seattle-Chidambaram, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, London-Kashi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, New York-Varanasi, Singapore-Singapuram.....................

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.

I will continue to expand on the Mahabharata characters and the various stories.

Bhishma, embodiment of Righteousness, finds a few remains like the weapons of the Pandavas, and sees the dead bodies of the cooks and mistakes them for the Pandavas.  Mistaking them as Pandavas, thinking that Pandavas are dead, is the depression everyone faces during the spiritual practice.  Please listen, listen and understand!  When you are doing your spiritual practices, when you live Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, many times you will have self-confusion – ‘Whether I am living Integrity, Authenticity, or whether I really lost everything and am just interpreting whatever I wanted to do as Integrity, Authenticity’ – this confusion. 

Listen!  I will expand on this one important problem. Every human-being goes through this problem during this journey.  I call this as “dark night of the soul”.  Righteousness itself gets confused, ‘Really the Integrity and Authenticity is not saving us.  Are they really dead?’  That doubt goes almost to the depths of your being.  Please understand, look into yourself.

I wanted to define about fanaticism.  You may think why I am talking about fanaticism here.  It will be very useful if you understand the concept of fanaticism with the “dark night of the soul”. 

Listen!  “dark night of the soul” means, even your own righteousness losing confidence over your Integrity and Authenticity, feeling like you lost it, you lost the game, all your hopes are destroyed, now you are hopeless, you have nothing more to live, you have no future. 

Listen, now I will define “fanaticism”.  Please listen, if you have transformed yourself and then you are causing transformation in others, it is “teaching”, “teaching”, “transforming”, “causing”.  But, without even you being convinced you are trying to convince others, that is “fanaticism”.  At some part of you, you are not completely convinced, but you are trying to convince others by force; that is “fanaticism”. 

Whether your righteousness is “causing” or “fanaticism”, that test is done by Existence at some time taking away all your hopes.  Whether Bhishma himself is transformed and causing, or he is only fanatic, at that time the Intelligence – Vidhura – comes and supports, saying, ‘Don’t worry.’  Intelligence gives the hope. 

Please understand, Cosmos wants only really, really, really strong  (break in transmission.....)

The whole Hindu infrastructure itself is such that, by the time you evolve as Guru, you would have suffered enough.  Only if you are authentically using Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching inside your system, you will even be able to stand up.  You will be polished, moulded, acid-washed so many times in so many ways.  By the time you sit as Guru, you are qualified, made to qualify!  Here, Cosmos is testing Bhishma by giving the wrong evidences that may be his Integrity and Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching have failed, may be his hopes cannot be achieved any more.  Understand, only at these moments, you need a Sangha, Sangha Bala.  Please understand, Atma Bala alone is not enough for a person to reach the ultimate.  Even Bhishma is in depression.  It is Vidhura’s support which brings Bhishma back to strength.  That is why I am telling you, Sangha is one of the very important components necessary.

(break in transmission.....)

Same way, you practicing spiritually also needs Sangha, Sangha Bala.  The Sangha Bala helps you to sail through.  Many times, you are not convinced about some parts of you that entered the journey.  So, when you enter life, those parts will be exposed to you.  At that time, you yourself may not be able to handle those parts independently just by your own Atma Bala.  You need Sangha Bala.

I tell you, just yesterday night, all the Swamis, Kotharis and Mahants, we were sitting on the banks of the Ganga and having a session.  We were discussing on this subject only.  When we were driving we were discussing how the structure of the Sangha constantly reminds you about your higher purpose and inspires you, raises you to the highest possibility. 

I have seen many times, the spiritual seekers, till the end of their life, they only had their default flow of life; they never conquered, completed their Prarabdhas and re-wrote their future.  Please listen!  The default flow of your life because of your root-pattern is “default future”.  That is there for all of you.  It is called “default future”.  The side-effect and the after-effect, how your life will flow with these root-patterns, it is happening.  All of you have a default future.  If you completed with all the root-patterns and you are running your life, that is called “Prarabdha”.  The default future because of your root-patterns is called “Agamya”.  Root-patterns are so powerful, you are going to accumulate more and more suffering and karma than you came with.  You are so incomplete, you are going to accumulate more and more incompletions.  The more and more incompletions you are going to accumulate, the more and more incompletions you are going to accumulate because of your root-patterns. And naturally they are not going to keep quiet.  You will constantly accumulate more and more, more and more.  That is what is Agamya, the default future.  If you complete with all your root-patterns, the default future you will experience is Prarabdha.  If you complete with all your root-patterns and create a new space and re-write your future, that is called “Eshwarathwa”.  You conquer your own life.  Re-writing your future, re-writing your future is what is all about Inner Awakening.  This is the right one-liner for Inner Awakening: “Re-writing your future”.   

Please listen!  Now Bhishma decides to re-write the future.  How he re-writes, we will see in the further satsanghs.  But I wanted all of you to understand these few things.  It is going to help you.  Don’t support your root-patterns to win over you. Don’t help your root-patterns to succeed over you.  Default future is what we call “Agamya”.  And when you complete with your root-patterns, the flow of your life is called “Prarabdha”.  Only when you re-write your future, you achieve “Eshwarathwa”.  Please understand, Jivan Mukthi comes only for the people who achieve Eshwarathwa; because for Jivan Mukthi, exhausting your Agamya and Prarabdha alone is not enough, you have to complete even your Sanchita.  So, complete with your root-patterns, complete with your Prabrabdha.  Completing with your root-patterns liberates you from the default future.  Liberating yourself from the default future is what is liberating yourself from disease, poverty, depression. 

Please listen, in the Inner Awakening I am not teaching you to develop your life, the best techniques to develop your life, develop yourself, change yourself.  No!  You need to know, till the root is burnt, even if you try to change your life, develop your life, whether you succeed or fail, you will continue to struggle.  For example, if you change the time you wake up and the Yoga you do, even if you are successful in changing it from 7:30 to 4:30, you will be struggling with some other pattern.  You will be struggling with smoking pattern.  Even if you are successful in your struggle with smoking, you will be struggling with depression pattern.  Whether you win or fail, you continue to struggle.  That is what is the Law of Development actually.  Even if you are successful in changing yourself five times, you will be in more depression in other places.  I am not teaching you the science of changing yourself or self-development. 

My programs are not Self-Development Programs.  My programs are not Personality Development Programs.  You sleeping till 10 o’clock, lazy, that xxxxxx.  Just from today you start re-writing the whole future as you want.  Understand, Inner Awakening is all about giving you that breakthrough.  It is not about teaching you the science of change.  It is teaching you the science of liberating your future, burning the roots from which your old personality is established, burning the roots in which your old personality is established and giving you the free space to re-write your new personality.  Understand, giving you the new space to re-write your new personality. 

Take the power of re-writing your future in your hands.  How the world occurs to you, how you perceive the matter.  Please understand, matter is not reality.  How it occurs is reality.  That can be transformed.  The bad news is, you are in a reality illusion.  What you think as reality is not reality, it is illusion.  It is the way the matter occurs to you.  It is not fact.  It is the way matter occurs to you.  Please listen!  Your reality is the way matter occurs to you.  This line is one bad news for you:   Whatever you think as reality is not true.  One good news: What you think as reality can be transformed!  Transforming, re-writing the way the world occurs to you, re-writing the way the world occurs to you, transforming the way the world occurs to you is what I call “rewriting the future”.  When you complete with yourself and complete with others, the way the world occurs to you becomes different.  When your root-patterns lose power over your thinking, please listen, even if you discover your root-pattern, you know whenever your default thinking starts, ‘Hey, this is not because of my root-pattern; I will not encourage this thinking.’, even that is a great liberation for you!  Once the root-pattern completely disappears, that liberation is next.  Even remembrance, whenever your root-pattern drives you, ‘Hey, I am not being driven by the petrol car, I am being driven by the bullock cart, I am not being flown by the pilot who knows flying, I am being flown by some fellow who is in the workshop’, you will know the difference!  Even that is a great liberation! 

I will give the essence in Hindi.

Understand, re-writing your future, please understand, re-writing your future.  Look in!  Look in!  Re-write your future.  I tell you, continuously Grace is flowing. Life means possibility of future.  What is life?  Possibility of future!  But what are you doing?  You keep saying, ‘Nothing, nothing is possible!  It is all going to be the repetition of the old.’  It means what?  You denied yourself the possibility of life!  Every decision you make for the future from the past pattern, you deny that component of life for yourself once for all.  If you think creating wealth is difficult based on your past failure, you are denying the possibility of wealth for you once for all.  If you think health is not possible for you in the future due to past diseases, you denied the greatest possibility of health in your life once for all.  If you think enlightenment is impossible for you based on the past failures, you are denying the possibility of enlightenment once for all in your life.  Understand, whenever you deny the possibility, you deny your future, you deny your life to you. 

Anything is possible.  Re-writing your future starts with this clarity: ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  All your impossibilities are the projection of your past into the future, projection of your past into the future.  Listen!  Don’t deny the future.  Don’t deny life.  Don’t deny life because of past incompletions.  If at all you have to put all your struggles in one direction, that only one direction is “liberating your future from your past, re-writing your future”.  That is the only direction you have to put your energy.  That is the only direction you have to put your effort.  That is the only direction you need to think, you need to work, you need to act. 

Kalpataru is initiating you into the science of re-writing your future.  Kalpataru is helping you to complete.  Kalpataru is helping you to complete with your past incompletions.  I tell you, Ganga has opened even for me a new future!  She is so powerful, so alive!  Many times my great disciples have made me lose hope on training new disciples.  But Ganga washes away all that and gives me a new hope that I can, that I have a possibility, I have a future, I don’t need to deny that future, I don’t need to deny that possibility.  I am enjoying Ganga, Haridwar, so much, really, really, that I have decided to have even the March Inner Awakening in Haridwar again.  See, in February we have the next Inner Awakening; that is in Bidadi.  The March Inner Awakening – March 6 to March 26 – we are going to have it again in Haridwar.  If you missed Inner Awakening on the banks of the Ganga, Inner Awakening in the breathing space of Completion.... 

When Ganga breathes, she completes you.  See, the area Ganga breeze reaches, Ganga’s wind reaches carrying the sacred water, that itself is the breathing space of Ganga.  So, even being in the breathing space of Ganga completes you.  If you have some most difficult incompletions and you are struggling with it, just come to Ganga, Ganga will wash it away!  So, if you missed Inner Awakening this time, come for March Inner Awakening, March 6 to March 26, 2014, the next Inner Awakening in Haridwar.  Please listen, Ganga washes away every incompletion, every impossibility!

With this, I will move to the Kalpataru Darshan.  Sit straight.  Close your eyes.  Decide, decide with your Integrity, Authenticity, declare with your Integrity and Authenticity, ‘I complete with all the past incompletions and I will not allow any of my incompletions into the future, into the possibility of the future’.  Namah Shivaya!  Again and again complete with all your past incompletions, all the past failures.  Declare to yourself, ‘I am re-writing my future.’


Relax.  You can open your eyes.  I bless you all, let all your inner space become reality responsibly!

All the people who have come for Kalpataru Darshan, please come one by one for darshan.

___________________ END OF SATSANG ___________________

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