Monday, February 10, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all the Shrimahants, Mahants, Kotharis, Thanedars, devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis all over the world who are sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in forty-two cities in many countries around the world.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Jorpati-Nepal, San Diego-Tirualavai, New Zealand-Adi Arunachalam, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, London-Kashi, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Bogota-Colombia, Singapore-Singapuram, High Point-North Carolina, Baroda, Mulund-Mumbai, New York-Varanasi, Kulim-Tiruttani, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Haridwar, San Jose-Madurai, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Tiruvanmiyur-Chennai, Warrington-UK, Los Angeles-Downtown, Seattle-Chidambaram, Santa Fe-New Mexico, Toronto-Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Phoenix-Kanchipuram, Houston-Kalahasti, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, xxxxxx Temple in Malaysia.  My blessings to the service project today in Malaysia which our volunteers are doing like Annadaan and cleaning and spiritual healing and Galleria.  My blessings to all the volunteers!  And I also bless the temple to grow and serve all the human-beings!. 
There are some more cities joining: Oman-Sivagangai, Winston-Salem-North Carolina, Colorado Springs.....................
I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
Today, in the Inner Awakening, we are going to be working on “Complete Completion”.
Please understand, just by removing a tree completely, just by uprooting a tree, you cannot be safe that nothing else will grow in that place or that tree won’t happen again in that place.  No!  You need to understand a very important thing.  You just see here outside, on the ground where Nithyananda Sabha is going to be built, there were hundreds of Neem trees.  We uprooted all of them and cleared the land.  But go and see; at least fifty Neem trees are again back!  Even if you uproot the tree, the essence of the tree stays in the ground.  So, when the water comes, and the Sun comes, the tree starts happening again.  There are some trees, you don’t need a full tree for that tree to happen; just the essence of that tree is enough in the mud; it will grow!  There is a herb; just the essence of that herb is enough; it will grow!  Same way, just removing your root-pattern is not going to completely liberate you.  How to stop the tree from happening again?  How to make sure the tree will not happen again?  How to make sure the tree is not going to sprout again?  Burning, boiling the very root, the very land, so that the root can never sprout.  Same way, burning your consciousness, purifying to the root from where even the root-patterns cannot grow; that is what I call “Complete Completion”.  “Manonmaniya Vidya” in Sanskrit we call it.  “Mana Unmana” – “Awakening the Inner Space”.  Awakening the inner-space – “Mana Unmana”.  Please listen, awakening the inner-space.  With this process of Complete Completion, we make sure that even if there is a smell or the essence of the root-patterns existing in the ground, in the soil, it does not sprout again, it does not grow again.
Mahadevi, Rajarajeshwari is gracing us on the fourth day of the Brahmotsavam as the Manonmani.  Fourth day today, it is the Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam.  Devi is gracing us on the Suvarna Gaja Vahana, Golden Elephant Vahana and gracing as Manonmani.
Manonmani, please understand, “Mana Unmana”.  “Unmana” means “awakening”.  “Mana” means “inner space”.  The Complete Completion awakens your inner-space completely and does not allow any leftover, unattended roots of the root-patterns.  For a Neem tree to happen again, one inch old root is enough.  Please understand, just if an inch-length old root is left without being removed, the tree will happen again; you don’t need a seed!  For a Banyan tree to happen again, just a three inch root if it is left without being removed from the land, that is enough; it will happen again; you don’t need a seed!  For your root-patterns to grow again, you don’t need to leave three inch or one inch; just if you go back and see the same people, it is enough!  If you see the same people who are responsible for your root-pattern, that is enough!  Understand, the Complete Completion is like ensuring the safety, ensuring the spiritual protection.
Today, in the Inner Awakening program, we are going to be doing the process for Complete Completion.  See, with the Complete Completion, the liberated thinking starts in your system.  “Liberated Thinking” means, awakening all the powers for which your body is built.  Please understand, there are some people who have the latest, best cell-phones, but they don’t even know how to send an SMS!  They can only switch on, speak, switch off and keep it.  For that you don’t need the best, latest-model seven-thousand rupees, eight-thousand rupees cell-phone.  Just eight-hundred rupees, nine-hundred rupees cell-phone is enough.  Having the best, updated, seven to eight-thousand rupees cell-phone, but not knowing how to use all the facilities in it, just you pick up, speak, and leave it back, this is what most of us are doing with our body!  Our body is basically hard-wired, our brain is hard-wired, the system is developed to experience so many extraordinary powers.  Understand, you are not built just to be a Clerk, just to be an Attendant, or just to be a worker.  Your being is basically built in to experience God, to experience the divine, to experience the Ultimate, to experience Complete Completion, to experience Mahadeva!  Understand, your body is basically built for experiencing many extraordinary things.  That is why, when Hinduism introduces you to you, it says, ‘Shrunvanthu Vishwey Amritasya Putraha” – ‘O, Listen, Sons of Immortality!’  Hinduism does not introduce you to you as a “sinner”.  It introduces you to you as “Sons of Immortality”.
Please listen!  When you encourage, entertain the incompletions, when your thinking is from incompletions, it naturally leads to more and more incompletions.  The thinking from incompletions leads to more and more suffocation.  Please understand, basically incompletions are trying to make you believe your life is influenced by the factors which are not in your control.  “Completion” is making you understand that not only your life, but anything you see is under your influence!  Understand, it is not from the reality you perceive.  Gold will melt in mercury.  A gold coin, when you start dipping that into mercury, it will just melt and disappear into the mercury.  When this process is happening, from the side of gold if you see, you will feel, ‘I am losing everything!’; from the side of mercury if you see, you feel, ‘I am gaining everything!’  When you look, when you perceive, when you cognize from body, from the incompletions, you will see everything is beyond your influence, there is no factor in your life which you can influence, everything about your life is influenced by external factors.  That is what makes you believe constantly in impossibility.  ‘Can you do this work?’  ‘No....because so many other things involved.’  ‘Can you do this work?’  ‘ may rain or shine; how do I know?  I can’t control that.’  People who cognize from incompletion, they have done PhD in Problem Creating!  PhD in Problem Creating, Impossibility!  PhD in Problem Creating!  Listen, that is exactly the word I will use: PhD in Problem Creating!
Yesterday, in the class, I was giving one example.  I think again I want to repeat that example for many of you to understand.  The moment I see this podium, I may feel, ‘Wow! It is mine!’  When YOU see, you may feel, ‘No, no, is not mine.  It belongs to ashram.’  When somebody else sees, they feel, ‘ does not look good.’  When somebody else sees, they feel, ‘Wow!  It looks so nice!  You can see Swamiji’s complete form even if he is standing near the podium!’  Each one will have their perception, idea, cognition about this podium; but the fact is, this podium exists.  Please understand, the basic fact which cannot be refuted as on now is, this podium exists.  Completion means, looking at the fact as it is, then cognizing the perceptions you are putting on it.  I am not saying you will not have perception at all.  No!  But the fact of the cognition, the fact will be the basic cognition, on that you will start perceiving.  But usually, in an incomplete mind which is complete confusion and chaos, the perception will become the basic cognition, and the fact is neither even remembered nor cognized; it is completely forgotten. 
Please listen!  I am explaining one of the very subtle truths of Sankhya Vedanta, developed from Sankhya, experienced in Vedanta.  A person who sees the fact as a basic cognition, perception as clearly your perception – in this example you first see the fact which exists, then you add your perception like, ‘This looks nice”, or, ‘This doesn’t look nice’, or ‘This is mine’, or ‘This is not mine’, whatever it is, it comes second after the fact is cognized – then always, always you will have a space where the cognitive shift can happen.  It will not bring suffering to you.  But, unfortunately, when the perception, the basic cognition, the fact is not perceived, any cognitive shift feels as a suffering.  ‘Just now I have settled in my life; I have been transferred!’  ‘Just now I settled in my family; I am having only first child; but already the fight between me and my wife has started....’! 
Many times, the re-cognition....  Please understand, I know it is going above the head for many people.  If you practice Completion, what I am talking you will directly catch it. 
All incompletion is nothing but the fact not being given enough inner-space and cognition and respect by you, and the perception itself is given the first priority and respect.  If the perception is recorded as a reality in you, which is going to be constantly changing, it will give you a deep insecurity and instability in your life.  But, instead, if the fact is given the place of reality and the perception is given the place of perception, the re-cognition, the change of perception will not lead to more and more incompletion. 
If you are listening to the satsangh last five to six days and doing the homework which I give in the morning satsangh, then you will understand exactly what I am saying now.  See, just day-before-yesterday, or just a few days before, in the satsangh I was giving you a homework: See how your perception appears as a fact and fact appears as a perception, and the fact which has not influenced your decision and perception influenced your decision.  I asked you to get five-five examples of the perception influencing you as a fact and forcing you to take decision, and fact influencing you as a perception and forcing you to take a decision.  If you have done that homework of getting five-five examples on both sides, then you will understand now what I am saying. 
If the fact is cognized as a reality, it leads to more and more Completion, and the Completion-based thinking leads to more and more liberated thinking.  Please understand, liberal thinking is different, liberated thinking is different.  If you become the slave of jeans and Coke, it is called “liberal thinking”, “MTV culture”.  It is so funny!  How can getting addicted to senses become liberal thinking?  That is what they go on forcing, saying as “liberal thinking”!  If you control yourself, that is called “orthodox thinking”!  If you do any foolishness based on your instinct, it is called “liberal thinking”!  What an abusive definition!  No, really!  If you believe the media’s brainwashing about life and lose all your liberty to think, you become a liberal thinker.  That is what I will define!  All this liberal thinking is nothing but bullxxxx....foolishness!  Understand, liberal thinking is MTV Culture, liberated thinking is NTV Culture!  This is the quotation from Dhyanatma.  HAHAHAHAHAHA :D ! 
Liberal thinking and liberated thinking, there is a big difference.  In liberated thinking you start with power and you continue to exist with more and more powerfulness.  There is no suffocation, there is no powerlessness, there is no impossibility.  See, a person who has liberated thinking will not face impossibility, because, first thing, he will walk through the gate; second thing, he will not go and hit himself on the wall and say, ‘Give me way!’  He will be intelligent enough to go through the door and he will not be feeling incomplete to go and hit at the factual impossibilities.  Please understand, the “perceived impossibilities” are different and “factual impossibilities” are different.  With liberated thinking, the first thing that will happen is, you will respect factual impossibilities and you will complete with all the perceived impossibilities.  When you respect the perceived impossibilities and the factual impossibilities separately – means, you will complete with the perceived impossibilities and you will honour the factual impossibilities – suddenly you will develop a certain kind of energy and experience, even the factual impossibilities will start giving way for you and making it possible; what I call “miracle”!
Understand, the first step is recognizing the perceived impossibility and factual impossibility separately, and then completing with all these perceived impossibilities and dropping them and making all the perceived impossibilities into possibility.  Then this recognition does re-cognition in your inner-space, and even the factual impossibility starts opening up, starts opening its secrets to you, its constitution to you.  When you know the constitution of the factual impossibility, many things become possible for you!
One of the biggest contributions I am doing to the world is teaching my kids to understand the perceived impossibility and factual impossibility and giving them the ability even to bend the factual impossibility!  I commit with you guys, I commit with humanity, in ten years I will contribute at least one-thousand Siddhas through you guys! 
A person who is stuck in perceived impossibility is a “Failure”.  A person who has completed with the perceived impossibility and is living with the factual impossibility is a “Successful Person”.  A person who has mastered even the factual impossibility is a “Siddha”! 
Understand, in ten years I will give you at least a thousand Siddhas from my Gurukul!  Because, when you complete with the perceived impossibility, the experience of reality changes for you.  Please listen, if you complete with one incompletion related to this podium, don’t think only with this podium you become complete; one aspect of your Divinity is also awakened!  You are now something more!  So, every time you complete with some perceived impossibility or perceived incompletion of the world, you go on rising to the next level.  That is what I exactly call as “spiritual growth”.  Completing with every perceived impossibility which appears as reality!  I am giving you the essence of Vedanta! 
How many of you listen to satsangh regularly?  Raise your hand!  (People raise their hands).  Then all of you can easily relate to what I am saying!
Please listen!  Completion with perceived impossibility leads to re-cognition about reality, re-cognition about possibility and impossibility. Then even the factual impossibility opens its door for you and tells you, ‘No, no, no....even I am not that rigid for you.  There is no question of factual impossibility.  Please come in.  Our borders are not defined.  We can overlap on each other.’  Even the factual impossibility stands with Poorna Kumbha and receives you! 
Understand, perceived impossibility is insecurity.  Completing with the perceived impossibility is security.  Ability to handle even the factual impossibility is giving security to others! 
A person living with the perceived impossibility is “Purusha”.  A man who has become a husband is “Purusha”!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... :D ! When you become a husband, you become a different species!  A man who has become a husband is “Purusha”.  When you complete with all the perceived impossibilities, you are called “Maha Purusha”.  When you are complete even with the factual impossibilities, you are “Siddha Purusha”!  That’s all! 
Perceived Impossibility, Factual Impossibility, and All Possibility, these are the different steps! 
Please listen, every time when you do Completion, every time when you are completing, you are moving from Purusha to Maha Purusha, Maha Purusha to Siddha Purusha.  Manonmaniya happens in you!  Manonmaniya happens in you!  Bring Completion every time.  Every moment of your life feel complete, be in the space of Completion, powerfulness, joy.  Bringing the space of Completion, bringing the space of Completion in every thought, every word, every action, every feeling, and every moment of living is “Enlightenment”!  Please listen, initiating you into the Science of Completion is what I call “Kalpataru”. 
Completion is such a powerful, vibrant, living spiritual truth!  Please understand, there are some Masters who are “living”, like the US “911”.  In the US, if you call “911”, immediately the police and ambulance will be standing at your doorstep.  Like that, there are “911 Masters”!  I have seen in my life some of these “911 Masters”.  Sai Baba, Nerur Sadashiva Brahmendra, they are all “911 Masters”.  The moment you call, they will be there to attend to you!  Same way, there are some gods, “911 gods”.  The moment you call, they will be there!  Venkateshwara and Sundareshwara!  Balaji, Tirupati Balaji, don’t think he makes money just like that!  In this Kali Yuga, people will not give any money.  If they give you ten rupees, they will go to your heart and pump it and see!  If they give you hundred rupees, they will enter into your atma and see everything very clearly!  People will not give money unless He (Tirupati Balaji) does his job!  He is a “911 god”. Same way, Sundareshwara, Mahadeva in Madurai; the moment you call he will be there!  And Karuppan, Karupannan Swami also; the moment you call he will be there!  Kaalabhairava, see Kaalabhairava is only worshipped as Karuppar Swami in villages.  And Meenakshi only is worshipped as Pacchai Amman in villages. 
Understand, to tell you honestly, all these temples, Masters, everything is just to inspire you into the Science of Possibility. Through this Kalpataru, I will initiate you into the Science of Possibility.  Just like Nerur Sadashiva Brahmendra and Sai Baba are “911 Gurus”, just like Venkateshwara and Sundareshwara are “911 Gods”, the Science of Completion is “911 Spiritual Technique”!  The moment you do, it will give the result!  The moment you start, it will give you the benefit!  It is not that you have to do it for ages; even once, it start producing results! 
Please listen!  Now I will initiate you into the Kalpataru process.  Listen to the instruction:
·        The first step, pick up any one thought you want to cause as reality.

·        And second step, write down all the impossibilities, doubts you have about that thought becoming reality.
All the Inner Awakening participants, Inner Awakening Level-1 can create a thought to move to Level-2 or Level-3.  You can do as you want.  But pick up one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the doubts, incompletions you have about that thought, the denial you have about that thought.
Please pick up your paper and pen.  Take a few minutes and write the one thought you want to cause as reality, and all the incompletions you have towards causing that one thought as reality.  Pen down both in the next few minutes.
(After a few minutes.....................)
Now please sit straight.  Close your eyes.  I will guide you into the process.
Create the space for what you want to cause as reality.  Means, visualize that space what you want to cause as reality is real now, the desire you want to cause as reality has become real now.  Complete with all the incompletions, doubts, hatred, denial you have towards that one thought and hold on to that space of making this one thought reality. 
Let the Kundalini Shakthi in you all be intensely awakened and keep the space in you alive, and the thought you want to create as reality let it become reality!  Namah Shivaya!
Relax.  I bless you all!  The space you created, let it become reality!  And the thought you want to cause, let it become reality!
I have some more announcements.  First time, Inner Awakening in the land of Vishwanatha and Kaalabhairava – Varanasi!  May 1st to May 21st this year, we will be having Inner Awakening in the land of Vishwanatha and Kaalabhairava – Varanasi!  Get ready to have a wonderful inner and outer journey in Varanasi!
We will start the Kalpataru Darshan. 
Please understand, with my inner-space, I bless you to cause what you want so that you understand the science which I am teaching is authentic.  By making this one desire, your desire into reality, I am not asking you to come back again and again.  You start learning this science and create the Science of Completion again and again in you. So, it is to prove the power of this science I am making one of your thoughts as reality. 
Today, the Kalpataru Darshan is specially for the participants who are in Bidadi, not the Inner Awakening participants, but the Kalpataru participants who have come to Bidadi.  So we will start the darshan.
I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANG __________________

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