Madhyamaam |
Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Guru Paramparaam ||
I welcome all
the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us through
Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, and through two-way
video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in many cities in many countries all
over the world.
Cities sitting
with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha:
Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, New York-Varanasi, Nithyananda Nagara-Bangalore,
Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, San Diego-La Jolla, London-Kashi,
Greensboro-North Carolina, Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Monterrey-Mexico,
Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Houston-Kalahasti, Austin, Los Angeles-Arunachalam,
Seattle-Chidambaram, Charlotte-Srisailam, Santa Fe-New Mexico,
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Singapore-Singapuram, Hollywood-California, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam,
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Oklahoma-Somanatham, Indrani-New Jersey, Pokhara-Nepal, Oman-Sivagangai,
Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Hosur.....................I welcome all of
you with my love and blessings.
successfully we completed the twenty-third Inner Awakening! I feel as if I took the first Inner
Awakening, because the whole sessions, the whole twenty-one days I took
personally. It is such a wonderful
feeling to spend so much time with people after a long time.
Today I will
continue to expand on what I was expanding yesterday, that subject.
Please listen! The competing-conquering pattern constantly
pushes you from powerlessness.
Unfortunately, the materialistic lifestyle, the materialistic lifestyle,
consumeristic lifestyle believes you should be pushed constantly, you should be
made to move constantly only by the competing-conquering pattern, which is not
Listen, the
competing-conquering pattern is not necessary.
If you are being pushed by the competing-conquering pattern every day,
you are pushed, you are driven from powerlessness, incompletions. It is like you try to push the whole
bullock-cart with your finger which is broken.
Whether your bullock-cart moves or not, what will happen? You will have tremendous pain and you will
think moving the bullock-cart is very difficult. Instead, pull it by a strong bone instead of
pushing by the broken finger. “Pull by
the strong bone” means, let Completion be the driving force in your life.
To be a leader,
there is no such thing as you have to compete and conquer. Competing-conquering pattern is no way
required to be a leader. Only in some
fools’ fields like politics and illusory money...! Please understand, in the world, “illusory
wealth” and “real wealth”, there are two things. Hinduism describes “Shankha Nidhi” and “Padma
Nidhi”. Padma Nidhi is the “Lotus
Wealth”; it is illusory. Shankha Nidhi,
“Conch Wealth” is the real wealth. There
are some things which are “real wealth” – your house, your clothes, your
jewellery. This is real wealth. And then there is illusory wealth, created
for exchange purpose – currency, the value of currency. Same way, there are some “real powers” and
“illusory powers”. The “real power” is
your ability to live your life, your ability to do what you want, your ability
to understand, ability to react, ability to respond. These are all real powers. “Illusory Power” – the power of a king who
thinks he can do anything; but he can’t even make a small child stop
crying! The illusory powers and illusory
wealth, listen, only in these two fields you need to compete and conquer.
There are tons
of fields where a leader does not need to be a winner, a leader does not need
to be a winner, he does not need to compete and conquer. But, unfortunately, some fools are thinking
that even in the spiritual field you have to compete and conquer. Because they abused their own guru and stole
the property, they think I will be a competitor. What a funny thing! There are some gurus who feel I am a
competitor for them. If you see their
organization size and our organization size, I am not even one-thousandth! But they feel threatened by
me.....competition! I used to laugh, ‘Oh
God! Then all these years you have been
in this powerless space only?’ So
powerless! My brahmacharis are much
better! My Swamis are more powerful!
I tell you, the
biggest curse you get in your life is this competing- conquering pattern. Even if you are successful, even if you win,
you will not be a leader! Even if you
win, it will be with so much of pain and suffering. Anything done with so much of pain and
suffering will build ego in you. ‘See,
with so much of suffering I did it!’ You
expect everybody to dance to your tune.
You suffered; why should they bother about that? You are a fool to suffer! I tell you, only fools, stupid people suffer
in the world! Only fools and stupid
suffer in the world!
To be a leader,
you don’t need to have this competing-conquering pattern. See, this competing-conquering pattern
creates tons of side-effects and foolishness, stupidity. The biggest blessing you have is somebody
making you understand that competing-conquering pattern is not required to be a
leader, for you to be successful. This
is the best ever blessing in your life.
Please understand, the day I heard this truth into my ears was the
“birthday” for me! That was the
“birthday” for me! The day that truth
clicked into me is the best day in my life, because, one of the biggest demons
has left me!
The biggest
black-magic done to you is you believing that competing and conquering is
required to be a leader or successful.
Only in the pseudo-wealth and pseudo-power – Politics and Wall
Street..... “Pseudo-wealth” means Share
Trading, Currency Trading, currency-related business, keeping the value of the
currency high or low, all the businesses related to that. Only in that business you need this pattern
of competing and conquering to be a successful person. Same way, “pseudo-power” – Councillor, then
Mayor, then MLA (Member of Legislative Assembly), then Chief Minister, MP
(Member of Parliament) – political pseudo-power. Only in the field of pseudo-power and
pseudo-wealth you need the pattern of competing and conquering. Unfortunately, these two fellows are such
bullies they make the whole world believe you need competing-conquering pattern
in your life. These fellows, just
because they need a few successors, they destroy the whole humanity and they go
on complaining that ‘you brainwash the kids in their young age’. If I try to make them (the kids) sannyasis or
yogis, these fellows try to destroy and brainwash the whole humanity. See, only in these two fields you need this
competing-conquering pattern. Only the
fools who developed the competing-conquering pattern will get into these two
fields, because they need people for their field.
The moment you
pick up the competing-conquering pattern, you lost your brains, you lost your
life. Because, now, how much ever you
do, whatever you do, finally you land up being a fool, stupid. Because they want successors! See, they need only fools; only fools can be
enrolled in these two fields. Otherwise,
which fool will sit in front of a computer whole day? And his heart will go up and down based on
the ups and downs on the computer! ‘Oh,
my share gone! My share gone!’ It is too much! More stupid than video game! It is more stupid than video game! At least in video game kids know it is a
game. Here they know it is a game, but
get into it; and they forget it is a game.
So, understand,
majority of the fields on Planet Earth does not require this
competing-conquering pattern. See, the
whole humanity, my request for humanity is: Please boycott this competing-conquering
pattern in your life. That is not
required to be a leader. Be a leader
from the day you start your life. From
the day I started my life I am a leader!
Somebody asked,
‘Which guru has done coronation to you?
Who has done “pattabhisheka” (coronation) to you? Which Peetha?’
I said, ‘Nobody
needs to do any coronation, “pattabhisheka” to me. I am doing “pattabhisheka” to me by blessing
all the three worlds by teaching these great spiritual truths! Whatever teachings I have experienced, I am
blessing all the three worlds with these teachings! So, with this declaration I am coronating
Understand, only
the competing-conquering pattern.....
See, this competing-conquering pattern, when you start, you start with
sickness. When you live, you live with
so much of pain, suffering and powerlessness.
Whole day what will be driving you?
‘See, see, the other fellow, he has become a billionaire! I have only 999 million. When will I become part of that billionaire
list?’ Some fool will be there in a
magazine billionaire list. That, every
day, they will see and, ‘I want to be a billionaire too!’ And he goes on publishing the list. And seeing the list, he will be going on, ‘I
have only 900 million. When will I be
part of this billionaire list?’ This
competing-conquering pattern, when you are living also is sadness. Even if you achieve being a part of that
billionaire list, you think you will be enjoying? No!
You will be carrying such deep sickness, pain, pain-related to that money
and the suffering you have to go through, because you pushed the whole
bullock-cart with the broken finger. You
will now say, ‘With so much of suffering I have achieved this. Everyone should respect me.’ Pseudo-ego starts. Now you have multiple disorders!
I tell you, from
Day One, the clarity that competing-conquering is not required to be a leader,
the first thing it does to you is, it makes you complete, and all your
contributions, creations come out of the space of Completion. From the space of Completion, creation! Aham Brahasmi! Shivoham!
Nithyanandoham! From the space of
Completion you go on creating, creating, creating, contributing, contributing,
contributing! From Day One, you will be
a leader. You will start out of
Completion, and every day your whole life will be just Completion and creation,
Completion and creation! You whole life
will be honeymoon! I can say,
“Honeysun”! Moon will go away, Sun will
never go! And, on any given day, you are
in the space of Completion, what drives you?
What is the driving force?
Completion, Creation! ‘Come on, I
am overflowing! I am complete! Let me do something to cause others’
life! Let me do something to enrich
others’ life!’ Even if you started
believing in the young age the competing-conquering pattern, now you can
complete with it. All the pseudo-power
politics, pseudo-wealth banks which got into your system, beat them and drive
them out so that they never come back into your inner-space. Tell them, ‘It is my boundary! Don’t bring all these dirty ideas!’
Why is Wall
Street called “Wall Street” you know?
Because you will be up against the wall!
That is why it is called “Wall Street”!
Every day you will feel you are up against the wall! The economy should be planned based on “Shankha
Nidhi”, means real wealth. If we work on
the real wealth, the whole world will have everything we need. After all, we are only seven billion people. Easily we can feed them, clothe them, house
them, give them medical care. It is
nothing! We can put more energy and
resources into doing research on extending the lifespan. We don’t need to be wasting so much of energy
and resources on the Army. This concept
of pseudo-power, the concept of pseudo-money in multiple levels, makes you
believe that the competing-conquering pattern is required to be a leader, to be
successful. No! Competing-conquering pattern may make you a
winner, but not successful or a leader.
I tell you, a
person who says ‘No’ to the competing-conquering pattern is a “Sannyasi”! Whoever you may be, wherever you may be, the
moment you say ‘No’ to the competing-conquering pattern, you are a
I sincerely
request all my disciples, devotees: Pick up a field where the
competing-conquering pattern does not need to be a driving force for you. Your whole life will be joyful. Your whole life will be ecstatic. You will live in leadership. You will continue to create and contribute in
leadership. You will be a leader from
Day One. See, when you start from
Completion, first thing you will not be pushing the bullock-cart by the broken
fingers; you will be pulling it with a nice energy and strong strength. So, pulling itself will be easy. Next, it will be a beautiful journey. Once you reach, you will only feel more and
more energetic. Because you have not
suffered, you are not demanding everyone to respect you. And the ego will not be there. When you don’t have ego, you will not torture
others. The daughter-in-law who is
abused by the mother-in-law, takes revenge on her daughter-in-law. If you have been abused as a daughter-in-law,
you will be the worst mother-in-law, because you will take revenge, you will do
the same thing.
First of all,
you should not pick people who have suffered in their life as your leader. Understand, I went through so much “tapas”,
but I have not suffered. Tapas is not
suffering. You should pick up people who
have lived out of Completion as your ideals; they should be your examples.
Our whole
Sangha, please understand, Sanatana Hindu Dharma can be revived only when you
make people understand that the competing-conquering pattern is a western,
materialistic, consumeristic lifestyle pattern.
Just yesterday,
I was reading an article in Facebook. In
the US, the number of vacant houses is something like eighteen million! Each homeless person in the US can be given
six homes! On one side so much of vacant
homes, on the other side so much of homelessness! Why this problem? It is because of the concept of pseudo-wealth
introduction. The real-wealth based
economies will never collapse. It is the
pseudo-wealth based economies that collapse.
In India, we don’t believe in currency; we believe more in gold. We are more based on the “Shankha Nidhi”, the
“real wealth”, not pseudo-wealth. That
is why, any economic recession, only a few people in India even know economic
recession is going on. If you ask
somebody what is “economic recession”, they will say, ‘Oh, recess? I just went and came back!’
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...! (In India, the word
“recess” is commonly used to refer to “loo break”, or going to the loo :D ). They don’t know anything about it!
unfortunately, that is why the US cannot tolerate us. They go on trying to make us also believe in
this concept of pseudo-wealth, so that we are made to feel we are poor. If any of the western countries had this
number of people (like the population of India), either they will all be dead
by now without food or due to poverty, or there will be ten wars and they will
be broken to pieces into hundred countries!
The amount of diversity we have, it is the Hindu economic policies, the
Hindu economic ideas that are keeping us together, successful, alive; not the
competing-conquering pattern. I pray to
Mahadeva, let him himself come as Raja Guru and guide this country, Bharata
Varsha, reviving the Sanatana Hindu Dharma by bringing this right knowledge, by
making this right knowledge into reality.
Competing and
conquering pattern makes you and others more and more weak. Don’t become more and more weak in your
life. Get into the thought trend which
makes you more and more powerful. Please
understand, either your thinking can make you more and more suffocated, bound,
or your thinking can make you more and more free and liberated. If you start adopting the right thinking, in
one year you will see, by the natural flow of your life you will be liberated! You will feel powerful; no suffocation, no
complication; feeling free all the time!
It is your thinking style!
Understand, either you are going to become more and more free and
liberated, or more and more bound. You
cannot be anchoring your ship (thinking), you cannot stop, there is no break,
because thinking will be going on whole day.
So, either you start developing the thinking which liberates you, or
which binds you. By thinking, either you
become “bandha” (bound) or “muktha” (liberated). “Baddha Jeeva” (bound soul) or “Muktha Jeeva”
(liberated soul). I tell you, it is such
a simple way! Anyhow you are going to
think; you cannot stop it (your thinking).
Then why not start thinking in the direction which will liberate
you? You don’t need to blow your
nose! You don’t need to wake up early morning
4 o’clock! You don’t need to clean your
different holes! You don’t need to pour
water in your different holes! You don’t
need to do Nirahara! Simply adopt the
cognitive shift: ‘From now I will think based on Completion.’ That’s all!
Just learn the Science of Completion.
Complete with you. Continuously
be in the space of Completion. That’s
I tell you, one
year is too much time for you to be liberated!
Just think based on Completion everyday; you will be liberated! Don’t be stuck in any incompletion
pattern. That will be like a bone stuck
in your throat. In this one thing, be
fanatic: ‘I will think only out of Completion!
I will not sleep without completing all the incompletions!’ If you have incompletions, lock yourself in a
room, sit, decide, ‘I will complete and only then come out!’ Completion-based cognition! One year thinking in the right direction is
enough; you will be liberated!
Sometimes I
wonder why these human-beings suffer without getting liberated when such a
simple practice is available! Then I
feel, ‘I myself did the same. So, that
is why these people are doing. I was
also going this side, that side, here, there.
Only then, finally, I saw, “Yes, yes, yes, this is such a simple
thing”!’ I tell you, but one good thing,
from this “janma” (life/birth), the day I took this body, from birth, in this
birth, in this “janma”, I was very clear about this Completion-based life. This “janma” I didn’t waste any time looking
this side, that side. This “janma”, it
was completely beautiful and useful. I
really tell you all, you don’t need to waste your energy, time, by going on
thinking into the style of binding yourself.
No! Not required! Not required at all! Think into liberating your life. Think into the pattern of liberating
understand, your mind is such a powerful tool you have. Awaken it!
Use it! It is like a
Kalpataru! It can give you whatever you
want! It can lead you beyond it! That is the beauty of the mind. Guru can make you a bigger guru! My gurus have done it! My gurus made me bigger than them. I will be a guru only if I make you guys
bigger than me, and I am always waiting for it to happen! Understand, your mind can lead you beyond
mind if you awaken it. Just only one
thing: Decide, ‘I will always live in the space of Completion.’ From the space of Completion continue. Build from the space of Completion.
Today, I wanted
all of you to know this thing. Look
inside you. Wherever you have this
competing-conquering pattern, catch all that and start completing with
them. In my Sangha also I have seen, in
my Sangha also, whoever behaves abusively, arrogantly with others, suffers with
that competing-conquering pattern. They
don’t understand that “possibility” is infinite. If you believe in infinite possibility, only
then you are an Advaiti. If you believe
in finite possibility, you are a Dvaithi.
Understanding infinite possibility; only then you become my
disciple. Understanding the infinite
possibility makes you my disciple.
So, with this, I
will move to the Kalpataru process.
Before the Kalpataru process, you can have a small video presentation on
Nithya Yoga.
YOGA IS PLAYED....................
Yes, please sit
straight. Decide and take up one thought
which you want to make as reality.
Complete with all the incompletions you have, with all the ideas of
impossibility you have.
MEDITATION IN PROGRESS.....................
Please open your
eyes. I bless you all! Whatever space you created, let it become
reality, responsibly. Blessing to all of
Today, we have
Thursday Meeting. All Kotharis,
Thanedars, Mahants, stay back.
DARSHAN IN PROGRESS...................
We will move to
Thursday Meeting. Al the Kotharis,
Mahants, Thanedars, be on the line.
I bless you
all! Let you all radiate with Integrity,
Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss,
Nithyananda! Thank you!
___________________ END OF SATSANG ___________________
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