Sunday, February 16, 2014



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
Today I will expand on HOW CAUSING OTHERS’ REALITY COMPLETES YOU, how Completion happens in you in causing others’ reality.
Before that, the 9th day of the Rajarajeshwari Brahmotsavam!  Devi is gracing us on Suvarna Shipika Vaahana, means on the Golden Palkhi (palanquin).  Today Devi is going to have Rathotsava on the thirty-three-feet tall Suvarna Ratha (Golden Chariot).  So, she is getting ready in the Suvarna Shipika Vaahana.
I will continue the satsangh. 
Causing other’s reality!  Please understand, causing others’ reality is not a sacrifice, be very clear.  It is neither a sacrifice nor a moral value.  I am not talking from the context of moral value to cause others’ reality, be very clear.  I wanted to put this on record.  All my teachings should be presented with context.  I don’t want to own it or have copyright over it.  But just for not losing the context, I want it to be protected. 
Causing others’ reality, if you do it from the right context, for the right reason, you will be just radiating enlightenment!  Understand, more and more you think about the misunderstood you.....  Please listen, you cannot understand you; you can only experience you.  So, any conceptualization, intellectual understanding, any way you try to grasp you, it will always be misunderstanding.  All your trying to grasp you will be misunderstanding.  Understand, you should know the law of life.  One of the biggest misunderstandings which happen in your life is you trying to grasp you.  You not being comfortable with the vast you, the beautiful you, amazing you, you not celebrating that extraordinary you, and trying to grasp you, is the Original Sin!  You trying to grasp you is the Original Crime!
I wanted all our gurukul kids to know – listen here: Don’t try to create an image about you even though the vast you, you are not able to hold it or grasp it.  See, the vast you, naturally what happens?  You feel like ‘Wow!’  So, naturally, what you try to do?  For your comfort’s sake you define you through your mother’s eye, through your father’s eye, through your teacher’s eye, through your friend’s eyes.  You need to know.....
Today I have a lesson for gurukul kids, still who have not completely developed you.  See, you completely develop an idea, the whole frame gets complete or becomes a stone only when you are twenty-one.  That is the good news for you guys.  See, when you are seven, eight, it gets formed like water, kind of water.  And by fourteen, fifteen, it becomes ice.  Only by twenty-one, it becomes stone.  So, still my gurukul kids, you can build it very easily.  Try to be comfortable with your vast you, the undefined you, unidentified you; nothing wrong.  Be a daughter – I am not saying don’t be a daughter – be a daughter to your mother, be a student to your teacher, be a friend to your friend, but be YOU to you!  Be undefined YOU to you!  This is for the gurukul kids. 
For the grown-up people for whom already the missed “I” has become a stone or “you”, you trying to grasp you, it is like when you try to catch the air you jump here, there, here, there, and catch some dust flying in the air and you will be imagining you have caught the air in the hand.  But it is not air; the dust flying in the air, you caught that.  Same way, if you try to come to a conclusion with an idea, identity about you, you try to jump, jump, jump, you just catch some missed “I”, wrong “I”, with that wrong “I” you hold on to you and you think you caught caught it.    
Listen, if you have already created an “I” about you, you have to be very careful about the truth: it is a lie.  Any “I” you carry about you, even if you think you are God, it is wrong!  You are not expected to THINK you are God, you are expected to EXPERIENCE you are God!  The great truth, “Nithyanandoham”, “I am Nithyananda”, is not to be thought about, it has to be experienced!  Thinking is allowed from the context of experience. 
Listen!  Listen!  Any identity you created, any “I” you created, it is wrong identity.  The more and more you think about your identity, you will enter into more and more incompletion.  The more you think about “I”, “I”, “I”, the more and more incompletion you will create. 
Listen!  Listen!  Listen!  Any identity you create, the more and more you think about it, you remember it, it will lead to more and more incompletion.  The only way to loosen the power of your identity over the real you is by causing others’ reality.  When you start causing others’ reality, when you start working causing others’ reality, suddenly you will see you develop a certain kind of grace!  Please understand, the way you maintain your skin and the shape is “beauty”.  The way you maintain you is “grace”.  I am not saying don’t be beautiful.  I am saying, be graceful also!  Go on causing others’ reality. 
I tell you, whenever you feel stuck, these are the five stones I am giving you.  In Mahabharata, you can see, Krishna gives five stones to Arjuna once and Draupadi once.  He tells them, ‘Whenever you are in a mess, you are in trouble, you are stuck, you are not able to handle things further, you want consolation, see this; you will get an answer!’  I can give you this great talisman, “thaayatthu” (Tamil word for talisman) which solves all your problems whenever you are stuck, whenever you feel suffocated.  I know many of you are stuck in many places.  The day you all learn liberated thinking, you will be causing thousands of lives into inner awakening and liberated thinking.  I am really telling you, if you carry the grace, just if you go around, people will talk to you and follow you and listen to you.
Authentic, sincere decision to cause others’ reality, to be a catalyst for others’ reality, brings certain grace in you, the groundedness in you, stability in you.  I tell you, that stability adds grace to your body.  Beauty becomes beautiful when the grace is also added!  I know many of you are stuck somewhere here and there.  Somebody is stuck in a job, not able to move further.  Somebody is stuck with some sickness, not able to get healthy.  Somebody is stuck in some relationship, neither able to make it work nor able to break.  Some people are stuck with some failures, neither able to get over nor able to digest.  Somebody is stuck with something else.  So many people stuck!  I can give you all guys one talisman in which in golden sheet it is written: “BE A CATALYST FOR OTHERS’ REALITY”.  I can give it secretly to you.  You can wear it on your hip.  Whenever you are in a mess, you can take it out secretly without anybody’s knowledge, read it and put it back.  The words written on it will be: “BE A CATALYST FOR OTHERS’ REALITY”.
I am really telling you!  Whenever you sit as a group and be a catalyst for others’ reality, your visualization, feeling ability, the power of words, power of thinking, power of feeling, power of living, everything will expand!  From tomorrow, the theme for the morning Sangha meeting should be: BEING A CATALYST FOR OTHERS’ REALITY.  No one will try to discipline the other.  Everyone will be a catalyst for others’ reality.  Wherever the Sangha meeting is happening, put a big board: “LET US ALL BE A SINCERE CATALYST FOR OTHERS’ REALITY”.  Let us ask everyone, ‘What is it that you really want to cause?’ 
Please understand, even if the other person has some immature reality and that is what he wants to cause, if you approach it with love, the love you carry will have the smell of the Ultimate Reality, and simply the moment he receives your love, he will change his programming from immature reality to Ultimate Reality!  Arrey, that is the exact way, all you college boys and girls, I made you as Advaithis!  Do you think you guys were born with the idea that ‘I want to be an Advaithi”?  All college kids saying “Hi”, “Bye” came to me with all kinds of immature realities. 
I know some people are here as sannyasis who came to me asking for blessings: ‘I am seeking your blessings that I should get married to the same girl!’  The love with which I said “Thathaasthu!”, that “Thathaasthu” for his immature reality, it is coming from my mature Ultimate Reality.  Because it is coming from such an ultimate reality, with that love, when it entered into that guy, he fell in love with that “Thathaasthu” and he forgot for what he got “Thathaasthu” and he fell for the “Thathaasthu”!   
Understand, usually when somebody asks an immature reality, don’t be angry with them, don’t hate them.  With your tremendous sincere love, be a catalyst, decide to cause their reality. 
Food and love do not go alone.  Both of them always go with the thoughts with which they are given.  Food and love do not go alone.  They always go with the thoughts with which they are given.  That is why, I tell you, if you want to make somebody a devotee, give them the temple Prasad.  That Prasad will work on them.  They will simply become devotees!  Every time the Prasad reaches the stomach, Krishna sits in the heart, because Prasad is the vehicle through which Krishna enters into you.  Food does not go alone.  Same way, love does not go alone.  That is why I am telling you, the love of an enlightened being, an incarnation, a person who is established in the Ultimate Reality is the best thing that can happen in your life, because his love does not enter into you just as an emotion; it enters into you as enlightenment!  You also be very clear, ‘This guy wants to cause some immature reality.  How can I be a sincere catalyst for his immature reality?  No!’  With lot of love, sincerely try to be a catalyst.  By the time you go near him, you try to be a catalyst, your love and intensity, your intention is so beautiful, graceful, he will catch fire! 
It is by my love, I made Ultimate Reality as a boon for you.  Otherwise what do you guys know about Ultimate Reality?  How many of you have come to me asking for Ultimate Reality?  No one!  You came to me with leg pain; I showed you the right path to walk.  You came to me with eye pain; I gave you the right vision.  You come to me with your immature reality only, no doubt; but I don’t judge you or hate you saying, ‘You are asking such an ordinary, immature reality from me as a boon?  I am sitting here with the Ultimate Reality!’  No!  With love, sincerely I try authentically being a sincere catalyst for what you want to cause as reality. 
As I said, my love has a high-level content of Ultimate Reality.  I should put a sign-board: “Warning!  This love contains high-level authentic reality, Ultimate Reality.  If you drink this love, you will naturally start getting into the idea of Ultimate Reality”!  And on all our Prasad also you should write: “Warning!  This food will make you a devotee!”
Please understand, today this is the homework for everyone around the world, all over the world, by sitting with your Sangha.   See, each one of you will have your Sangha, means your family, office, team with which you are working, your subordinates, the people who are involved in your business.  Invite all of them.  Sit with your Sangha.  And many of you may have our Sangha also.  All your Sanghas put together is our Sangha, that’s all!  Sit with your Sangha and our Sangha.  Take time.  Call them all for a “Chai pe Charcha” (“Discussion over Tea”).  Call them all.  Sit with your Sangha.  You be sincerely a catalyst for others’ reality.  Tell yourself, ‘I will be a sincere catalyst for others’ reality.’  You tell the whole group and commit to them you will be causing everyone’s reality.  Inspire them also to think to be a catalyst for others’ reality.  Spend half-an-hour, plan, think sincerely: ‘How can I be a catalyst for others’ reality?’  And sincerely start taking steps for it, towards it.  The more and more steps you take to cause others’ reality..... 
I tell you, don’t even expect he will be grateful to you if you caused his reality.  Actually, when you start causing others’ reality, you become so mature, you grow up so much, you become so fulfilled causing others’ reality.  For example, if you are a sincere catalyst for ten people’s reality, you will have the fulfilment of living in ten lives!  You will have the Completion that you live ten lives!  You will not take any more birth!  You will straightaway enter into the Complete Completion, the Ultimate Completion!  Why do you think I am saying I won’t take one more birth?  Because I am overwhelmingly completed by living all your lives!  By being a sincere catalyst for all your lives, I am overwhelmingly completed!  By making all of you joyful, I am joyful so many multiple lives’ level!  By bringing Completion to all of you, so many multiple lives’ level I am complete!  By bringing Completion into you all, so many multiple lives’ level I am complete!  When I cause fulfilment to thousands of you, I am complete as if I have taken thousands of janmas (births) and enjoyed all these things!  This Completion to so much levels, in so many multiple layers of quality and quantity, that is what I call “Nithya Ananda”!  When I cause health to millions of you, I feel I lived millions of lives healthy!  When I cause wealth to millions of you, I feel I lived millions of lives wealthy!  When I cause fulfilment to millions of you, I feel I lived millions of lives with fulfilment!
So, understand, when you cause something to thousands of people, millions of people, you will have layers and layers and layers and layers of fulfilment and Completion.  A sannyasi should be having at least a thousand-layer Completion and fulfilment; only then he has enough bank balance!  The amount of Completion and fulfilment you establish is the bank balance, the real bank balance you have in life.
My gurukul kids should start this.  When you are a kid start this.  All the kids, gurukul kids, especially Krama Brahmacharis and Brahmacharinis, now itself you should build this lifestyle: Anything anybody asks, give it away!  Whatever you have, if somebody says, ‘Beautiful!  Nice!’, immediately give it away to them, saying, ‘Please have it’!  You should start this.  You may think, ‘No, no, when I can’t have anything, how can I give?’  That’s okay.  That is okay.  Of course, anything which belongs to Sangha you cannot do anything about it; it is not yours.  But anything which is yours, given to you as yours, if anybody asks for it, always give away.  I tell you, I grew up with this pattern.  I grew up with this lifestyle.  I should not use the word “pattern” for it; “Lifestyle”!  It gives you courage, feeling wealthy!  All my kids, especially Krama Brahmacharis and Brahmacharinis should start this.  Of course, for the adult Brahmacharis and Sannyasis, it is a lifestyle!  You HAVE to do it!  You HAVE to live this way only!  No question of having an idea ‘something belongs to me’!  Not only in the material level, even in the word, thinking, feeling, living level!  If your body has the energy to move and give a square meal to somebody, you have to do it.  When they ask, it is no more yours; give it!  When your words are capable of giving a solution or the Completion or some consoling word, and somebody is asking, it is no more yours; give it! 
Understand, take this aparigraha (non-possessiveness) to the next level.  When your emotions, heart has a capability to give love and somebody is asking, it is no more yours; give!  When your thinking has the ability to cause somebody’s reality and they are asking, it is no more yours; you have no right to say ‘No’; Cause their reality!  When your life has the capability to cause what they want and they are asking, it is no more yours; Cause it!  Go to the extreme of causing others’ reality; you will experience multiple layers of Completion!  Not just one Completion which you sit in the night before sleeping 10 to 10:30 pm.....or looking at the mirror and planning, ‘Tomorrow I will be xxxxxx’!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Don’t I know what all you guys are thinking when you are looking at the mirror?  HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Not THAT Completion I am talking about.  Start being a sincere catalyst for others’ reality.  When you start thinking and feeling for others’ reality, I tell you, the amount of energy will expand, you will express, the amount of energy you will radiate....Wow!  You will become like Kaalabhairava!
Whether you are sitting with your office team or your house team or your business team, be a sincere catalyst for others’ reality.  I am really, really, really telling you!  Don’t ever have the doubt that others will exploit you.  Complete with that incompletion if you think somebody has exploited you and they may exploit you.  Complete with that and drop.  Don’t create the space for others exploiting you by holding on to that incompletion.  Complete with that and drop.  Because you have the feeling others will exploit you, people who want to exploit you will come to you!  If you complete with this, you will complete with them.  Be a sincere catalyst. 
Somebody in our ashram, in one department, one worker, he has stolen something and run away.  Actually, first he has stolen, and then we gave complaint to the police.  He confessed to the police saying, ‘Yes, I only stole.  I will pay the money back.  Please don’t put me in jail.  Don’t arrest me because my son is getting married.  His marriage will be stopped.’  He came and cried.  Then when I heard, I said, ‘Alright!  Poor fellow....his son’s marriage will be stopped; his life will be destroyed.  Leave it!  After all he has accepted that he has stolen and he will pay it back.  Leave it!’  I just left it. 
Suddenly, we saw, a few days before (again recently), this fellow has stolen something more and run away.  Then somebody, some Swamis who look after all administration, they came and said, ‘Swamiji, see (what has happened because of) your compassion!  At that time itself we should have arrested him and we could have got all these stolen things back.  Further stealing would not have happened.  See...because of your compassion we lost this.’  I laughed and said, ‘Don’t even bother!  The whole thing is created because of my compassion!  This whole Sangha itself has happened, thousands of this whole thing too has happened only because of my compassion!  And these million things have happened only because of my compassion!  Only one small thing is lost, stolen.  So, never ever question the power of my compassion.  And the power of my compassion is capable enough to protect itself without getting exploited!’ 
And I am telling you guys now, whatever he has stolen, we will get it back, you will see!  Because I trust my power of compassion!  I trust my power of compassion!  I trust my power to trust!  I trust my power of compassion because it is from the space of Completion!
I said, ‘What is there?  Yes, he has stolen a few things.  But he has stolen only a little from this huge Sangha.  Only a small bit he has stolen.  But this huge Sangha itself has happened only from my power of compassion.’
Please understand, this Sangha has not happened from my power of oration, neither from my any other powers.  It is purely from my power of love and compassion.  I may have so many different powers; all those powers have created different, different things.  My power of oration has created a lot of printing material, brain candies.  My power of healing has created a lot of devotees.  My power of materialization has created a lot of curiosity in people...’Wow’!  So, each one of my powers has done different, different work.  But it is my power of love and compassion that created this Sangha.  That forms the basis of this Sangha.  I may train you guys from the context of compassion.  The context is not hatred; the context is compassion.
Yesterday, to one of my Ma Swamis I was telling....  After seeing her horoscope I felt she may have some disease.  So, I told her, ‘You have to go to the doctor and have complete diagnosis.’  At that time I was telling her, ‘I may scream, tell you to work...that’s different.  But, when it comes to this, I will protect you, I will save you, I will heal you; I will not let even grahas (planets/astrological influences) to take my sannyasis!  They are MY sannyasis!  They may fall from the context inside; with being my disciple or being my sannyasi, they may fall.  But as long as outside they are with the Sangha, I will continue to bring them back to the context and protect them.’  That is why I tell you guys, never ever leave the Sangha!  Never ever imagine of leaving the Sangha, and then you give a big statement, ‘I have nothing to do with you, you have nothing to do with me.’  Then I won’t interfere.  I will think, ‘Okay!  What to do?’  From a distance I have to show my sympathy and compassion and keep quiet.  But as long as you are in the Sangha, I will not let even grahas touch you!  I may train you, but purely from the context of compassion and love.
In traditional Indian medicine, there was a kind of treatment.  Even in the South it was very popular.  If you go with some wound, with pus, infection, the doctor will put fire around that wound.  He will burn around that wound.  You will see, it becomes completely healed!  In Tamil there is a verse, “Theeyinaal sutta punn, ulla aarum”.  Means, “if you burn the wound, inside it will be healed”.  All the pus, infection, everything will come out, and from inside it will be healed.  But, unfortunately, people give a wrong interpretation as “Even if we are burned by fire, it may be healed, but not by the word”.  That verse is misinterpreted.  But you need to know: “Theeyinaal sutta punn, ulla aarum”.  When you burn the wound, it will be healed from the inside.  When a doctor puts fire around your wound and burns it, he does not hate you; he does it because he loves you!
I have seen one old man in my native village (hometown).  He will have that turmeric, raw turmeric, the root turmeric.  In Tamil we call it “Varali Manjal”.  He will burn that and put it around the skin where the wound is.  In two days it will be alright, completely healed!  But when he burns, it will naturally pain.  You will throw tantrums: ‘I am leaving!  Let him live with whatever he thinks as good people!  I don’t want such a silly abuse from God!’  If you accept somebody as God, whatever he gives, how can it be silly?  If you think he is silly, you are silly. 
Listen!  Being a sincere catalyst for others’ reality brings layers and layers of Completion into you.  Now how you have layers and layers of incompletion, like that you will accumulate layers and layers of Completion.  I bless you all to accumulate layers and layers of Completion, layers and layers of Completion, “punya”, blessings! 
Before we go to the Kalpataru process, let us have a video presentation.
VIDEO PRESENTATON.....................
Causing others’ reality, making them do one Inner Awakening is the best way you will cause others’ reality.  Understand, making them do one Inner Awakening is the best way you will cause others’ reality.
We will move to the Kalpataru process.  Please, all the people who have come for darshan, Kalpataru Darshan, sit straight.
Start penning down two things: One, a thought you want to cause as reality.  Second, all the incompletions, impossibilities, doubts you have about that reality, about causing that thought as reality.  Do this for the next few minutes.  Please pick up a paper and pen.  Write down the thought you want to cause as reality.  Write all the impossibilities, incompletions, doubts you have to cause that one thought as reality.  This you are going to read for yourself; it is not for others.  It is your own intranalyzing that works.  I think even gurukul kids should do this.  Come on!  Pick up your paper and pen and do it!
(After a few minutes....................)
Yes, now please sit straight.  Create a space inside you for what you want to cause as reality.  Means, hold on to the thought you want to cause as reality as already reality.  Make this space that it is already reality.  And complete with all the doubts, impossibilities, incompletions and drop them.  Hold on to cause the thought that you want as reality.  Namah Shivaya!
Relax.  I bless you all!  Whatever you hold as your inner-space, let it become reality!  Namah Shivaya!
We have today all the Thanedars’, Kotharis’, Mahants’, Shrimahants’, volunteers’ meeting.  Even volunteers can attend the Thursday meetings....staff, volunteers, everyone. 
So, today, we don’t have Kalpataru Darshan for any city.  But, Bidadi, whoever has come for Kalpataru Darshan, whoever came for Darshan, please come! 
___________________ END OF SATSANG __________________


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