Monday, December 16, 2013



Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

I welcome all of you with my love and respects.  I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis sitting with us all over the world through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, Lotus News Channel, Janashree TV and through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha in thirty-three places, in twenty-countries around the world as per the statistics.
Cities sitting with us in two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, San Jose-Madurai, Seattle-Chidambaram, Ohio-Prayag, Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Nithyananda Nagara-Bidadi, Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Winnipeg-Canada, Toronto-Kailasam, San Diego-Tirualavai, Devon-UK, Singapore-Singapuram, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Bogota-Colombia, Bangalore-Malleshwaram, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Kathmandu-Nepal, Ottawa-Canada, Oman-Sivagangai.....................
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
(Before Swamiji entered into the subject of the satsangh, the representatives of the Malaysian Vegetarian Society – Dr. Vythiligangam, President of the Society, and Mr. Rajkumar Seth, Treasurer of the Society – went on stage to honour Swamiji as a token of appreciation of Swamiji’s participation as a speaker in the recently-concluded 6th Asian Vegetarian Congress and 41st International Vegetarian Union World VegFest held in Kuala Lumpur on 4th & 5th October 2013, and receive his blessings).

Swamiji starts the satsang:

Today, 14th day!  We will be working on infusing energy into personal reality intensely. 
Please listen!  Attention, Love, Energy, all these are different words for the same phenomena.  When you pour your attention, energy, love, any one of it into any action, it becomes reality.  Pouring intelligence, pouring your attention, pouring your love, pouring your being to make what you want as reality.
Please listen!  Unfortunately, very unfortunately, we have started worshipping ignorance, human-beings started worshipping ignorance for the last three centuries, especially after the spreading of Communism.  Communism is communalism!  Really!  Some good things have been done by Communism, but a lot of bad things have happened because of communalism.  Worshipping ignorance has started happening.  This idea of “common man” – please listen – nobody is “common man”.  Glorifying the “common man” idea, concept, takes away the respect for intelligence.  First of all, nobody is “common man”.  This idea of “common man” is created, glorified, just to continuously keep you as common man, make you remain as common man.  See, anything which is glorified, you tend to remain in that state.  You tend to remain, ‘O, this is great!’  Worship of ignorance has started because of wrong Communist ideas.

I always tell this story:
A great Communist speaker was roaring on the stage about Communism. 
From the audience, one guy got up and asked, ‘If you have two houses, will you share one with your neighbour?’
He said, ‘Yes.’
‘If you have two crore rupees in money, will you give one crore to your comrade?’
This guy shouts, ‘Yes!’
‘If you have two cows, will you give one to your friend?’
The speaker says, ‘No!’
Everyone was shocked! 
The questioner asked, ‘Why?  Why are you saying “No”?’
The speaker suddenly blurted out saying, ‘Because I HAVE two cows!’

Communism is more like a fictional religion.  Understand, Communists go on abusing us, saying Hinduism is mythology, filled with mythology, religion based on myth.  The truth is, it is Communism which is based on myth, not Hinduism!
I am seeing “Mahabharata” continuously in YouTube.  Hats off to the team which is doing Mahabharata television serial!  And I was so happy to know that the same team which was doing “Devon Ke Dev” is doing Mahabharata.  Now I just wanted to tell you all before I move to the next subject, I recommend Mahabharata hundred times more than Devon Ke Dev, and I sincerely want all the devotees to watch!  Don’t miss!  I have never missed!  I don’t have time to watch on TV, but I make sure that it is downloaded and I watch.  It is aired on Star Plus channel, Monday to Friday, 8 pm Indian Standard Time.  No, really, I wanted every one of you to watch!  And I also already told my Swaminis that all Swamis and Swaminis should watch.  And I am also going to have examination for all our guys to make sure that they watched!  No really, for all my Swamis and Swaminis I am going to have examination! 

Please listen!  I wanted all of you to know this, if you see this serial, you will understand this can never be a myth.  No one can imagine, if this story has not happened, no one can imagine and write this story.  Such complications!  Such amazing characters!  Each character!  The character of Bhishma.....god!  The character of Sakuni.....god!  The character of Kunti!  I tell you, if you study the Mahabharata, you won’t have any difficulty in life, handling any type of personality you won’t have any difficulty in life!  You can handle any type of personality, because all the things you need to know to handle human-beings, every single truth you need to know to handle human-beings in life are taught to you just by Mahabharata!  Because you will not find any other characters in your life other than the characters you see in Mahabharata!  You won’t find!
I tell you, after eight-thousand years.....I strongly believe, eight-thousand years before Mahabharata has happened, because various records, evidences I came across in my researches.  Apart from that, all of you know, the Bhagavad Gita, the original, oldest palm-leaf inscription of Bhagavad Gita is in our Akhada, all of you know.  So, with all these evidences.....!  And the Kurukshetra where that war has happened, that land is still our property!  Mahanirvani Akhada owns that property where the Gita was delivered!  Yesterday only we had a huge “samaroha” where the Gita Jayanti has happened.  That place is our Akhada’s property.  With all the evidences available, I feel and I come to the conclusion, at least eight-thousand years before it happened.  Eight-thousand years!  Still this book is relevant!  How can you call this as a myth?  And not even eight-hundred years over, Communism has already become irrelevant!  Only Communism should be called as myth, not Hinduism! 
I tell you, all the sufferings of Hindus is not because of Muslims, and not because of Christians; the present sufferings.  See, the sufferings we had two-hundred years before may be because of Muslims; the sufferings we had eighty years before may be because of Christians.  But the sufferings we have at present in India, is because of Communists, Naxalites, the Communist mental set-up which is constantly harassing us, attacking us!  As a survivor of media terrorism, by myself – please understand, the word I am using to introduce myself: “survivor of media terrorism” – by a well-known blackmailer, tabloid, yellow-journalism, Nakkeeran Gopal, and Sun Media group, I know first-hand the sufferings of Hinduism is because of this abusive Communist trend. 
Please listen!  The character of Dhritarashtra, the character of Gandhari, the character of Dronacharya!  I really wanted to send a message to the team, the whole Mahabharata team, I wanted to host a dinner for them, invite and appreciate their contribution to Hinduism!  Overflowing with pride for Hinduism!  Even for me they brought more pride for Hinduism!  Even in me, they brought so much of love!  I don’t know.....I am already overflowing with love for Hinduism and Bharat, and this Mahabharata brought more love in me!  I don’t know where they found the place to pour more love in me!  I tell you guys, when you see.....!  I only wanted to send them one request.  They are putting a disclaimer before the serial that the stories are imaginary and all that.  I wanted really to request them to remove that line.  You don’t need to have a disclaimer. 

And one nice thing this Mahabharata team has done is they are sticking to the original Vyasa’s version.  Yesterday, Jnanatma was trying to translate the dialogue.  I said, ‘No, no, you don’t need to translate the dialogue.  I will tell you the dialogue.’  I started telling the dialogue, and Jnanatma was shocked!  She said, ‘How do you know the exact dialogue?’  I said, ‘They are sticking to Vyasa’s dialogue.  I know Vyasa’s dialogue.  What Vyasa wrote I know.’  I tell them, as an authority on Hinduism, as the legitimate, clear, apolitical voice of Hinduism, Mahabharata has happened as fact, as history, not myth!  So they don’t need to be afraid and use the disclaimer that the story is imaginary and not meant to hurt anyone.  No!  They don’t need to!  I request them to remove that disclaimer.  If they face any law suit, I am ready to face!  I will face and prove in the court that Mahabharata is truth, history; it is NOT a myth! 

The tradition, even in my village is, till the rain pours, they will recite Mahabharata.  Every year, during the summer, the recitation of Mahabharata will happen.  By the time they complete the recitation, rain will pour!  It is Draupadi’s chastity that makes the rain shower, heavens shower, whenever you speak about Mahabharata!  It is Hanuman’s bhakti which makes the heavens shower whenever you speak about Ramayana!  It is the tradition, whenever you speak about Ramayana, heavens should shower.  Because whenever you speak about Ramayana, Hanuman’s presence is experienced!  Whenever you speak about Mahabharata, Draupadi’s purity is expressed, Draupadi’s purity is experienced! 
I tell you, Mahabharata and Ramayana are not myth!  The story writer can imagine so many characters!  If Vyasa has imagined the Mahabharata, these characters and the stories and all the intricacies of the whole thing, I can guarantee Vyasa is God!  If something is imagined by God, then it is reality, don’t worry!  Even as per this logic, I prove Mahabharata is history.

What an amazing research they (the television serial makers) have done in our ancient way of living, attention to the details!  I was shocked!  Each Kaurava has a symbol described in Mahabharata by Vyasa.  Even their ornaments, they made exactly as per the symbol!  Duryodhana’s symbol is “snake”.  For Dushasana, “donkey”.  Each Kaurava has his symbol.  Each Kaurava has his symbol.  I was shocked by the attention to the details the team has done and incorporated the symbols in their jewels, ornaments!
And the present-day sufferings for Hindus is because we started worshipping ignorance in the name of “common man”.  You need to know, all Hindus need to know, we are not “Aam Aadmi”; we are “Amrutasya Putraha”!  We are not “common man”; we are “Sons of Immortality”, “Amrutasya Putraha”!  Worship intelligence, not ignorance.  Don’t glorify ignorance in the name of common man.  Don’t glorify the ideas of uncooked, half-baked, amateur Communism.  Don’t suffer by worshipping ignorance.

Listen!  Life has to be created!  There is no shortcut.  Just because you are born, you have been pushed out of your mother’s womb, don’t think you have a right to live.  Right to live comes by creating.  You only have a right to create.  Create!  You have to create your personal reality or you will be caught in the crossfire of others creating their personal realities; your life will be an accident.  Life which is caught in the crossfire can never be a miracle; it will always be an accident.  If you are caught in the crossfire, are you going to have satisfaction?  No!
Bring attention, love, energy into your personal reality.  I tell you, after seeing the Mahabharata in Star Plus channel by this Devon Ke Dev team, I am really inspired to comment on Mahabharata.  Soon you can expect me telling the story of Mahabharata in the morning satsangh!  Very soon!  I will give the date: from January 2nd to 22nd, in the morning satsangh, there will be the Mahabharata story!  I will speak on twenty-one different dimensions of Mahabharata, along with the important turning points of Mahabharata.  I don’t think I can complete the Mahabharata in twenty-one days, but may be the different characters I will explain through this Saraswathi. 

And I also have one more, good, important announcement:  The January Inner Awakening, January 2nd to 22nd will be happening in Haridwar!  Swamiji has some commitments and responsibilities in Haridwar.  So, the Inner Awakening will be held in Haridwar.  Now all of you will have one more reason to enrich, and now it becomes easy for you to enrich.  I know, some of you are already imagining you being there! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....!  Even though there are practical possibilities or impossibilities, that is secondary.  Already how many of you are imagining that you are there?  (People raise their hands).  God!  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......!  So, you can fulfil yourself by enriching!

Understand, the essence of the whole Mahabharata, I can say is: If you don’t participate to make others reality, how you destroy yourself, is described in the Mahabharata.  Understand, in the Mahabharata, you can see everyone is trying to destroy others’ personal reality.  And, finally, the whole “vamsha” (clan) gets destroyed! 
In Ramayana, everyone tries to fulfil others’ personal reality.  Finally, everyone wins!  Rama is born with four brothers, embraces Guha as the fifth brother, Hanuman as the sixth brother, Vibheeshana as the seventh brother, Sugreeva as the eighth brother, and wins the life!  The expansion is shown through Ramayana. 

Mahabharata gives the lesson: If you don’t, what will happen.  Born as one-hundred-and-six, divided piece by piece by piece, and finally even the five who won did not live for a long time and rule, because there was nobody to rule!  Only a handful of people were left alive after the Mahabharata War, do you know that?  Only a handful were left!  Still we are suffering the after-effects of the Mahabharata; because so many things we had, with the intelligence and the people, it got lost during the war!  The effects of the First World War!  The Mahabharata War is the First World War! 
The lesson you need to know from the Mahabharata is: Put your whole energy into making others’ life into reality.  Everyone is trying to be in their personal reality, so centered in their own personal reality.  Drona is trying to prove Arjuna because of his personal agenda.  Sakuni is trying to prove Duryodhana because of his personal agenda.  Duryodana is trying to prove Karna because of his personal agenda.  Centered on personal reality, does not care about others’ reality, what will be the effect?  You can see in Mahabharata. 

Centered on others’ reality, what will be the effect?  See here!  Rama makes Sugreeva’s reality into reality.  Guha makes Rama’s reality into reality.  Hanuman makes Rama’s reality into reality.  Rama makes Vibheeshana’s reality into reality.  Constantly being a catalyst to make others’ reality.  Ramayana starts with nothing, ends with such huge expansion!  Other than a few thousand demons, no one is destroyed in Ramayana.  Mahabharata starts with around twenty-five crore population, ends with twenty-five people, understand!
India needs to learn the lesson from Mahabharata.  It is time now we start causing others’ reality, we become catalyst for making others’ reality into reality.  It is the right time Mahabharata is being played.  India needs to learn the lesson from Mahabharata.  We don’t have time.  We don’t have time to waste.  We don’t have time to waste!  We don’t have time or energy any more left to waste.  It is time we infuse intelligence into causing others’ reality which makes naturally your personal reality into reality.
The lessons you need to learn:
Decide to awaken your intelligence.  Stop worshipping ignorance.  Put your energy to be a catalyst for all others to realize their reality.  Naturally you will have energy expressing to realize your personal reality.  This is the essence of today’s satsangh.
Sit in meditation, Upanishad, to mirror the neuron activities of the Cosmic Super-brain of this truth.  Contemplate on this truth.  ‘I am going to be a catalyst for others to realize their reality and to make my personal reality.’  Namah Shivaya!
UPANISHAD IN PROGRESS.....................
Relax.  You can open your eyes.
I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, with eternal bliss, Nithyananda!
___________________ END OF SATSANG ___________________

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